How to Find Copywriting Clients As a Beginner

Yea, it’s one thing to hone your copywriting skills or master the art perfectly well and another to have clients who are willing to pay well for your services—clients who will recognize your talent and offer you opportunities to shine.

You will agree with me that stepping into the world of copywriting as a beginner can feel like navigating uncharted waters, brimming with potential but also shrouded in uncertainty.

This article provides a full guide on how to find copywriting clients who don’t just allow you to showcase your skills but also pay you well because they appreciate your worth.

With this guide, you can ignite your career with boundless potential!

How to Find Copywriting Clients As a Beginner

As a copywriter, you can find clients that appreciate your value and worth in the following ways:

1. Creating a Professional Portfolio:

One of the ways on how to find copywriting clients is to create a professional portfolio, you’ll want to gather your best writing samples and organize them in a visually appealing and easily accessible format. To get this done:

  1. Select Your Best Work: Choose a selection of your best writing samples that showcase your skills and versatility as a copywriter. Aim for diversity in terms of industries, formats, and styles to demonstrate your range.
  2. Organize Your Samples: Arrange your samples in a logical order, such as by industry or type of writing (e.g., blog posts, website copy, email newsletters). Consider creating separate sections or categories to make it easy for potential clients to navigate your portfolio.
  3. Provide Context: For each sample, include a brief description that provides context for the project. Explain the client’s goals, target audience, and any specific challenges or objectives you faced as a copywriter.
  4. Highlight Your Contributions: Clearly outline your role and contributions to each project. Highlight any specific strategies, techniques, or creative solutions you implemented to achieve the desired outcomes.
  5. Showcase Results: Whenever possible, include measurable results or outcomes from your work. This could include metrics such as increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, or positive feedback from clients or readers.
  6. Optimize for Online Viewing: If your portfolio is digital, make sure it’s optimized for online viewing. Use a clean and professional layout, high-quality images, and easy navigation to create a positive user experience.
  7. Include a Call to Action: Encourage potential clients to take the next step by including a clear call to action at the end of your portfolio. This could be a link to contact you, request a quote, or view additional samples.
  8. Update Regularly: Keep your portfolio up to date with your latest work and achievements. As you complete new projects or gain additional experience, be sure to add them to your portfolio to keep it fresh and relevant.

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2. Utilizing Freelance Platforms:

As a beginner, another way to find copywriting clients is by checking freelance platforms. Freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr can be valuable resources for finding copywriting clients, especially for beginners. Here’s how to make the most of these platforms:

  1. Create a Compelling Profile: Your profile is your online resume and portfolio rolled into one. Make sure it’s complete, professional, and optimized with relevant keywords and skills.
  2. Highlight Your Experience: Clearly outline your experience, skills, and areas of expertise in your profile. Use specific examples and results to demonstrate your value to potential clients.
  3. Set Your Rates Appropriately: Research industry standards and set your rates competitively based on your level of experience and the complexity of the work. Be transparent about your rates and any additional fees or charges upfront.
  4. Apply for Relevant Projects: Spend time browsing and applying for projects that align with your skills and interests. Tailor your proposals to each job listing, highlighting why you’re the best fit for the project.
  5. Deliver High-Quality Work: Once you land a project, deliver high-quality work on time and within budget. Exceed client expectations whenever possible to build your reputation and secure positive reviews and ratings.

3. Networking with Fellow Writers:

Networking with fellow writers is another way how to find clients as a beginner. As the saying goes, No man is an Island.

Networking with fellow writers can provide valuable opportunities for collaboration, support, and referrals. Here’s how to effectively network with other copywriters:

  1. Join Online Communities and Forums: Look for online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to copywriting. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share insights and experiences with fellow writers.
  2. Attend Workshops and Webinars: Many professional organizations and industry groups offer workshops, webinars, and networking events for copywriters. Attend these events to connect with peers and learn from experts in the field.
  3. Collaborate on Projects: Reach out to other copywriters who specialize in complementary areas or industries and explore opportunities for collaboration. Working together on projects can help you expand your skills and reach new clients.
  4. Offer Support and Advice: Be generous with your time and expertise by offering support and advice to other writers. Sharing resources, providing feedback, and offering encouragement can help you build meaningful connections within the copywriting community.
  5. Attend Conferences and Meetups: Whenever possible, attend industry conferences, meetups, and networking events where you can meet fellow writers face-to-face. These events provide valuable opportunities to forge connections and build relationships in person.

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4. Attending Networking Events:

Apart from networking with other writers, you can attend networking events. Networking events, industry conferences, and meetups are excellent opportunities to connect with potential clients and colleagues in your field. Here’s how to make the most of these events:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Before attending a networking event, set clear goals for what you hope to accomplish. Whether it’s making a certain number of new contacts, learning about industry trends, or securing potential leads, having specific objectives will help you stay focused.
  2. Prepare Your Elevator Pitch: Craft a concise and compelling elevator pitch that introduces yourself and highlights your unique selling points as a copywriter. Practice delivering your pitch until it feels natural and polished.
  3. Bring Business Cards: Bring plenty of business cards to hand out to potential clients and contacts. Include essential contact information and a brief description of your services to make it easy for people to remember you.
  4. Be Approachable and Engaging: Approach networking events with a positive attitude and a willingness to engage with others. Smile, make eye contact, and strike up conversations with people you meet.

5. Cold Emailing

  1. Research Target Audience: Before sending cold emails, thoroughly research businesses or individuals who may benefit from your copywriting services. Understand their industry, pain points, and specific needs to tailor your pitch effectively.
  2. Craft Personalized Emails: Avoid generic templates and instead personalize each email to the recipient. Address them by name and mention specific details about their business or challenges to demonstrate your genuine interest and understanding.
  3. Highlight Benefits: In your email, clearly outline the benefits of working with you as a copywriter. Focus on how your services can address their pain points, improve their marketing efforts, or achieve their business goals.
  4. Provide Social Proof: Include any relevant testimonials, case studies, or examples of your previous work to build credibility and trust. Social proof can reassure recipients that you’re capable of delivering results.
  5. Include a Clear Call to Action: Conclude your email with a clear call to action prompting the recipient to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a call, requesting more information, or discussing potential projects.

6. Offer Free Work

As crazy as this might sound, offering free work is one of the ways to find copywriting clients as a beginner, especially if you have done any official work before.

Just by doing free work for a client, you can get referral gigs that can launch you into numerous opportunities. To do this:

  1. Target Specific Clients: Identify small businesses or nonprofits that could benefit from your copywriting services but may have limited budgets. Reach out to them with a genuine offer to help and explain how your free work can add value to their organization.
  2. Set Clear Boundaries: While offering free work can be a valuable way to gain experience and build your portfolio, be clear about the scope and limitations of the offer. Define the number of hours or deliverables included and establish expectations upfront to avoid scope creep.
  3. Focus on Long-Term Benefits: Emphasize the long-term benefits of working together beyond the immediate project. Building relationships with clients through free work can lead to future paid opportunities, referrals, or testimonials.

7. Content Marketing

Content marketing is another route to take if you want to find copywriting clients. All you have to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Identify Target Audience: Define your target audience and understand their interests, pain points, and preferred channels of communication. Tailor your content to address their needs and provide valuable insights or solutions.
  2. Create High-Quality Content: Consistently produce high-quality content that showcases your expertise as a copywriter. Whether it’s blog posts, articles, or social media updates, aim to provide valuable information and engage your audience.
  3. Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords and phrases into your content to improve its visibility in search engine results. This can help attract organic traffic to your website or blog and increase your chances of being discovered by potential clients.
  4. Promote Your Content: Share your content across various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and industry forums or groups. Actively promote your work to reach a wider audience and attract potential clients.

8. Join Freelance Directories

  1. Choose Reputable Directories: Research and select freelance directories or job boards that cater specifically to copywriters and have a good reputation within the industry. Look for platforms with a large and active user base to maximize your visibility.
  2. Create a Compelling Profile: Complete your profile on freelance directories with relevant information about your skills, experience, and services. Use keywords and tags to make it easier for potential clients to find you when searching for copywriting services.
  3. Regularly Update Your Profile: Keep your profile up to date with your latest work, skills, and achievements. Regularly update your portfolio, testimonials, and contact information to ensure accuracy and relevance.

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9. Ask for Referrals

  1. Deliver Exceptional Service: Focus on delivering exceptional service and results to your existing clients. Satisfied clients are more likely to refer you to others, so prioritize exceeding their expectations and building strong relationships.
  2. Request Referrals Actively: Don’t be afraid to ask satisfied clients for referrals or recommendations. After completing a successful project, politely request if they know anyone else who could benefit from your copywriting services.
  3. Offer Incentives: Consider offering incentives or rewards to clients who refer new business to you, such as discounts on future projects or exclusive access to premium services. This can encourage them to actively promote your services to their network.
  4. Stay in Touch: Maintain regular communication with past clients even after completing projects. Keep them updated on your latest work, share relevant industry insights, and continue to nurture the relationship over time.

10. Offer Specialized Services:

  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine your areas of expertise or interests within the copywriting field. Whether it’s healthcare, technology, finance, or fashion, specializing in a niche can help you target specific clients and command higher rates.
  2. Highlight Your Expertise: Showcase your specialized knowledge and experience in your marketing materials, website, and communications with potential clients. Position yourself as an expert in your chosen niche to attract clients seeking specialized skills.
  3. Customize Your Services: Tailor your services to meet the unique needs of clients within your niche. Offer specialized packages, content formats, or strategies designed to address the specific challenges and objectives of businesses in that industry.

11. Create Targeted Marketing Materials

Create visually appealing marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, or brochures that highlight your copywriting services, expertise, and unique selling points. This is one of the ways to find clients as a copywriter who is just starting.

Then, craft persuasive copy for your marketing materials that clearly communicates the benefits of working with you as a copywriter.

Use compelling language to capture the attention of potential clients and persuade them to learn more about your services.

Distribute your marketing materials strategically to reach your target audience. Consider attending industry events, networking meetups, or trade shows where you can connect with potential clients and distribute your materials.

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    12. Collaborate with Other Professionals:

    Reach out to web designers, marketing agencies, graphic designers, or other professionals who frequently collaborate with copywriters on client projects.

    You can also build relationships with potential collaborators by offering to partner on projects, referring clients to each other, or sharing resources and expertise. Cultivate mutually beneficial partnerships that can lead to ongoing referrals and collaborations.

    13. Join Professional Associations:

    Explore professional associations or organizations for copywriters that align with your interests and goals. Look for groups that offer networking opportunities, educational resources, and support for freelancers in the industry.

    Also, participate in events, workshops, and conferences hosted by professional associations to connect with peers, learn new skills, and stay updated on industry trends.

    Furthermore, you can take advantage of job boards, forums, and online communities offered by professional associations to access job opportunities, share insights, and connect with potential clients.

    14. Offer a Money-Back Guarantee

    Offer a money-back guarantee or satisfaction guarantee for your copywriting services to reassure potential clients and alleviate any concerns they may have about working with you.

    Clearly outline the terms and conditions of your guarantee, including eligibility criteria, refund process, and any limitations or exclusions. Be transparent and upfront about what clients can expect if they’re not satisfied with your work.

    Focus on delivering high-quality work that meets or exceeds your clients’ expectations to minimize the likelihood of refund requests. Prioritize client satisfaction and strive to deliver results that justify their investment in your services.

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    Finding copywriting clients as a beginner may seem daunting at first, but with the right strategies and persistence, it is definitely achievable.

    By leveraging online platforms, networking with other professionals in the industry, showcasing your skills through a strong portfolio, and delivering exceptional work to your clients, you can start building a solid client base.

    Remember to constantly refine your skills and stay updated with industry trends to stay competitive in the market. With dedication and perseverance, you can establish yourself as a successful copywriter and attract more clients over time.

