WritersGig Review 2024: Worth It for Beginners?   – WritersGig Blog

Landing my first job on a freelance website as a beginner was a herculean task.

After spending a lot of time optimizing my profile, doing some free jobs just to build my portfolio, my first client paid a meager amount because I was an amateur.

In her words, “I am giving you an opportunity to practice with my job, so you should not ask for much.”

I was pained because the job gave me a tough time to complete.

This cruel experience made me start researching for a platform that would miraculously be different. That is how I discovered WritersGig.

To be honest, I didn’t have many expectations but I was blown away. And today, I can confidently recommend WritersGig to anyone who doesn’t like drama.

My full experience is documented in this WritersGig review.

What is WriterGig?

WritersGig is a unique marketplace that connects writers with buyers of their content.

The founder noticed the challenges African writers faced when they joined the big freelance websites; he created WritersGig to bridge the gap.

It is an unpaid freelance platform that is solely for African writers from over 25 countries.

Unlike many freelance sites, WritersGig doesn’t require a subscription fee.

The site is unique in that the writers who come on the platform are screened to ensure their content meets the quality of work required by blogs and bloggers.

WritersGig caters to writers in different niches. In fact, all niches in writing.

The interface is designed in such a way that it guides users through every stage of the process.

WritersGig is on a mission to help freelancers get the freedom they deserve by linking them with content buyers and bloggers who can afford to pay for their services.

As the name suggests, this platform is solely for writers.

Unlike most freelance websites where the platform curates the job on your behalf, WritersGig allows the buyers to come on board, create their peculiar job offers, and allow the writer to bid for the jobs by submitting a proposal.

When was WritersGig founded?

WritersGig was launched in February 2021 by Silicon Africa Technologies.

Silicon Africa Technologies is located in Abuja, Nigeria. It is the pulse of African innovation and technology. Her vision and mission is to emerge as the leading innovative technology brand in Africa from southeast Nigeria.

Email support@writersgig.com

How much can a writer make on WritersGig?

The platform does not specify the amount a writer can make. However, both writers and buyers are not allowed to create gigs with amounts lower than ₦1,500.

When I inquired as to why, the response was that writers put in a lot of work to create content and their efforts and skills cannot be undermined by poor pay.

 The amount any writer can make is up to his abilities. Work and earn. The WritersGig platform collects 10 percent of your earnings during withdrawal for a writer and the same for a buyer.

Terminologies Used on WritersGig

If we must review WritersGig, we must mention these unique terminologies used.

Buyer: the client who owns the projects

Writer: the freelancer who seeks jobs

Offer: the job listing by the buyer

Proposal: written information that showcases the writer’s data, experience, and skills submitted to the offer of a buyer

Gig – a written statement that summarizes the writer’s specialty, experience, previous work, and skills submitted to the platform, which is shown to buyers.

How WritersGig Works? Review

Instead of giving a synopsis of how the platform works, I will give a step-by-step explanation of how it works when you visit the website.

Register either as a writer or buyer

To register as a writer

Log in to the website and register either as a buyer or a writer. As a writer, after registration, and setting up your profile, you have the option of taking courses. The courses help the platform assess how good you are at SEO.

Every writer must take an assessment before they can start submitting proposals for jobs. The topic will be on the assessment page and the writer picks one topic, which he is expected to submit within 24 hours.

Register as a Buyer

To verify a WritersGig buyers account, click the register button, and check your email for the verification link. Clicking the verification button will take you to the buyer’s profile page on the dashboard.

See also: How to Register as a Buyer or Writer on WritersGig

Create a gig

A writer is expected to create a gig. A gig is an offer a freelancer makes to market their services. Every writer on WritersGig creates a gig that has a detailed description of your services, the prize, and a summary of their experience and portfolio.

These are crucial to attracting buyers and we advise you to write them professionally, leaving no stone unturned. Include a summary of your experiences, previous work samples, and an appealing image.

You need to perform on-page SEO to increase the visibility of your gig in search results. Add keywords when filing your gig title, tags, and description. Use terms that buyers can search for while in need of your service.

After creating a gig, it needs to rank for buyers to hire you from it. You also need to have high ratings by providing good quality work for your clients for your gig to rank.

Stay online to ensure your gig is visible to buyers.

Create an Offer

Buyers on the WritersGig platform create an offer. An offer is a job listing.

Follow these steps to create an offer;

Sign up, set up your profile picture, and click on my offers, which are on the homepage.

Select Create Offers, fill out the details, and then submit the offer for review.

An offer is reviewed before it is either accepted or rejected.

WritersGig admins can reject the offer if there is information that does not adhere to the platform’s guidelines.

How Can New Writers Get Hired?

Many freelance websites operate in such a way that the platform uploads job offers while the users send in their proposals.

WritersGig works a little differently.

Buyers put up the offer themselves, and then the writers bid for them by sending in proposals.

If the buyer loves a writer’s proposal, he contacts and hires him based on the proposal.

Another way to get hired is through your gig. Buyers can hire writers directly from their gigs.

From my experience using the platform, ensure that you use the right keywords and that your gig showcases your skills as much as possible.

See also: Understanding your Dashboard on WritersGig [PHOTOS]

How to Withdraw on WritersGig

Withdrawal from WritersGig is solely for writers and not buyers.

Buyers cannot withdraw their funds from their wallets, they have to use them within the website.

On WritersGig, withdrawals are processed at most within 5 days of a payment request, and a job is completed and accepted by a buyer.

Before a withdrawal can be processed, the writer needs to include his bank details.

To withdraw from your WritersGig account, log in to your account and click on Request withdrawal.

A writer needs a minimum amount of ₦5,000 to be able to initiate withdrawal. State the amount you want to withdraw and complete the form.

What I love about WritersGig | Review

My WritersGig review comes from personal experience using the platform as a freelancer.

WritersGig is a marketplace that connects young African writers to buyers globally.

The platform’s 10% charges are very affordable.

Their customer service is good. I used the word okay because there was a time when I had an issue with a buyer that wasn’t resolved promptly. It took 72 hours. Presently, they have improved. Issues are rectified within 24 hours.

Amateur writers can earn from the platform as well as experienced writers.

There is a fraud detection system that protects users and their money in the system.

As a writer, don’t be afraid of the buyers doing away with your intellectual property. It can’t happen on the platform unless you allow them to take you off WritersGig to conduct the business.

For every work you submit on the platform, the system automatically pays you because the buyer is mandated to deposit the exact amount for the job, which the platform holds and sends to the writer once the job is completed.

See also: How to Preview a Submitted Content on WritersGig

Cons of WritersGig

I’d be completely honest here.

Some of the features do not work properly. Beginners may find the platform difficult to use because some of the navigation needs proper education. However, they have provided a video tutorial and blog post for everything you need.

The platform doesn’t support cryptocurrency. This would have been a great feature if implemented.

How Can I earn on WritersGig?

You earn big bucks by writing. Getting hired and being paid for the writing job.

My WritersGig Review 2024

WritersGig is a new freelance website. I am impressed by the revisions they have made in the past 2 years to improve the platform. It is applaudable.

Just be patient and contact the admin if there are any confusing words or navigations.

The platform is legit and you will definitely be paid for every service rendered. 

FAQS on WritersGig Review 2024

Is sign up free on WritersGig?

Yes, signup is free.

What is the minimum amount you can make daily?

You can make a minimum amount of #2,000 per work on WritersGig.

How many countries does WritersGig cater to?

25 African countries with more added


WritersGig is the upcoming platform that you should watch out for. You’d sure make some bucks here. Gather your family and friends to earn some money with you


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