10 Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid in 2024 | Carefully Read

Writing a copy is beyond express words. It entails writing words that when combined together must be able to compel the one reading it to take an action. That’s called ‘Effective Copy’

Anyone can make an effective copy. All that is required is knowing what to do and what not to do. This is where copywriting mistakes come to light.

Actually, whether you’re a starter or you’ve been writing copies for years, it’s expedient to understand that there are so many copywriting mistakes you can make unknowingly when writing a copy. And once that happens, there is every tendency you won’t have an effective copy that can convert no matter how good you are.

So, it’s paramount that while writing, you consciously avoid these common mistakes. And the only way to avoid them is to be aware of them.

This article uncovers 10 common copywriting mistakes to avoid. Carefully Read!

What Is Copywriting?

When you want to persuade someone to buy a product either on the phone or face-to-face, there’s every tendency that you will sound honest and real. You might even go further in telling the person why you think he/she needs the product.

This is not always the same when you do that through a copy. People generally see copies as a market strategy or sleazy sales talk. Some even read them without doing anything.

This is well it’s advantageous that if you really want to make a copy, it must be top-notch. To achieve that goes beyond knowing your vocabulary and grammar. You must make it very effective and desirable.

Typically, Copywriting is the formation of words that move both current and potential users to convert. Conversion here means they will take positive action. If it is a product, they’re compelled to make orders and subscribe if it’s something that needs a subscription.

On the other hand, copywriting is using written words to persuade people to take the action you want them to (e.g. make a purchase, submit an email, request a demo).

Got that right?


Now, before you think of writing an effective copy, let’s get acquainted with a few basic yet dangerous copywriting pitfalls that your ability to keep in check determines if you can keep readers’ eyes glued on your page.

I tag it Common Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid if you want to write an effective Copy.

10 Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid

#1. Avoid Writing for Yourself

This is one common mistake writers make when writing a copy. In copywriting, you don’t write for yourself. You must be conscious of that.

Make sure your copy is talking to someone, not just everyone; your consumers. Having that in mind will help them write in a language they can easily understand and relate to.

Imbibing this in your writing will not only increase your brand, but it will also make you not look silly.

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#2. Lengthy Copy

Avoid writing a lengthy copy. Normally, Copies are not supposed to be too long. In fact, it’s not supposed to be more than 1500 words.

I’m not saying that you can’t engage your readers with a copy more than that word count, It is 100% possible: all it requires is to be good.

But to be on the safer side, write a short copy that has concise information that will be relevant to your reader.

#3. Sidelining Search Engine Optimization

Another mistake most writers make that is common is writing a copy as though it’s a free-styling article; ignoring the SEO aspect of it. It is expedient to write based on what people are looking for; buyer’s intent.

You can use a research tool, make research how people look for the product you want to make a copy for. With your findings, you can be sure of writing an effective copy that will definitely convert.

#4. Writing Boring Content

Most time, being too formal or stiff can make your copy not sell. Some writers, especially those that studied English, use ambiguous words, and proper grammar to write copies.

Honestly, creating a precise, literary-quality copy featuring big words and strictly sticking to the rules of proper grammar doesn’t make an effective copy. In fact, it makes it boring.

All you have to do is to work on making your copy to be formal, strict to the point, short, simple, and punchy. Write as if you’re talking to your best friend. 

#5. Not Understanding Causality

This is one of the biggest mistakes you must avoid. Writing a sales copy is not close to writing on any social media 9FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and the rest).

#6. Using Structure that Strangles

Multiple design layout is good, but it doesn’t have the potential to bring 100% conversion. So, you should go for a single layout instead of multiple layouts, even though the latter design is appealing to the eyes.

In a single-column layout, one idea flows into the next. This means you expect your audience to read every word from left to right.

When you use this method, you still should use subheads, graphics, and text boxes to help pull the reader through the page. In addition to this, don’t use text columns aligned side by side instead, pair them with pictures.

Logic is pretty much simple here, with one column of text on each row that will compel visitors to read everything.

#7. Trying to say it All

This is another mistake that should be avoided by all means. This way it’s not advisable to write a long copy. Creating a copy that has an overly long list of benefits is not a guarantee of conversion. Trying to say everything can make the copy lose its punch and uniqueness.

So, you must write a concise and informative copy, keeping in mind that people don’t have all the time to spend on one particular copy.

You can achieve this by having a snappy headline that condenses multiple sentences of information into just three words.

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#8. Writing to Ghost Audience

This deals with writing to an audience, reader, or consumer you do not really know. Thereby, writing on assumptions. Try to find out who your readers are and the kind of language they understand.

That you are good and have the technical know-how doesn’t mean that your copy converts. It might even sound intimidating to your readers or users. 

Avoid using jargon won’t make your copy effective. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use power words. Try using inspiring words, something that drives emotion, provoking, excitement and action. 

#9. Asking Yes/No Questions

Another common mistake to avoid as a copywriter is asking Yes/No questions. Yes / no questions can’t guide your copy in a meaningful way. That’s just the truth!

It is more advantageous to use ask open-ended questions mode of writing. Also, note that you can turn answers to an open-ended question into testimonials, which can be used in any sales copy.

#10. No CTA

Don’t hesitate to tell people what to do next! Don’t forget to add “Get a free quote today.” Call-to-action (CTA) is the perfect way to get the consumer to reply quickly–if it’s “contact,” “click,” “download” or “buy.” Experts suggest that any single page should have one CTA, no fewer, and no more.

And if there is a chance that you will reflect on the benefit of the consumer, all the more. For example, instead of using “Buy Now,” try using “Get Your Savings.”

Bottom Line

To limit your exposure to such mistakes while writing a copy, it’s necessary you study this article over and over whether you’re a new writer or have been writing for websites.

FAQs On Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid

What are common copywriting mistakes to avoid?

Common copywriting mistakes include grammatical errors, poor proofreading, lack of clarity, excessive jargon, and neglecting the target audience’s needs. It’s crucial to avoid ambiguity, ensure readability, and maintain a focus on the intended message.

Is it a mistake to neglect the target audience when writing copy?

Yes, neglecting the target audience is a significant mistake. Copy should be tailored to resonate with the specific needs, interests, and preferences of the intended audience. Understanding your audience is fundamental to creating an effective and persuasive copy.

How important is proofreading in copywriting?

Proofreading is essential. Errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation can undermine the credibility of your message. Always thoroughly proofread your copy or have someone else review it to catch any overlooked mistakes.

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