What Is Opinion Writing? | Types, Examples & Resources

Do you ever feel like expressing your thoughts and viewpoints on various topics? Opinion writing is a powerful tool that allows individuals to do just that. Whether it’s a personal blog post or a persuasive essay, opinion writing has become increasingly popular in today’s digital age.

Opinion writing is a form of expression that allows individuals to share their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas on a particular subject. This type of writing can be found in a variety of formats, including newspaper articles, online blogs, and social media posts. It serves as a platform for people to shape public opinion and influence others through well-reasoned arguments and strong rhetorical devices.

In this article, we will explore the different types of opinion writing, from editorial pieces to reviews and op-eds. We will also provide examples and resources to help you improve your own opinion writing skills. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or new to the craft, understanding the nuances of opinion writing can help you effectively communicate your point of view and engage with others in meaningful discussions. So, let’s dive in and discover the art of opinion writing together.

What Is Opinion Writing?

Opinion writing is a form of writing where the author expresses their personal viewpoint or stance on a particular topic or issue. The goal of opinion writing is to persuade the audience to adopt or agree with the author’s perspective. It is a genre that allows individuals to articulate their thoughts, beliefs, and judgments on various subjects. Opinion writing is often found in newspaper editorials, essays, blog posts, reviews, and other forms of persuasive writing.

Opinion writing is where a writer shares a clearly formed opinion backed by research, logic, and anecdotal evidence. The purpose of an opinion essay is to clearly articulate a position, often in response to a question. It’s a writer’s way of demonstrating both what they think and why they think it.

Having the ability to effectively articulate one’s opinions is a valuable skill in today’s world. For instance, engaging in social media exposes individuals to a diverse range of perspectives. Therefore, it is essential to discern opinions supported by substantial evidence from those that lack such support.

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Features of Opinion Writing

Opinion writing is often found in newspaper editorials, essays, blog posts, reviews, and other forms of persuasive writing.

Key features of opinion writing include:

  1. Clear Thesis Statement: Opinion writing typically begins with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the author’s main opinion on the topic. This statement serves as the central point around which the entire piece revolves.
  2. Supporting Evidence: To strengthen the argument, writers provide supporting evidence, examples, or reasons that justify their opinion. This evidence helps persuade the reader by providing logical and convincing support for the author’s viewpoint.
  3. Persuasive Language: Opinion writing often employs persuasive language and rhetorical devices to influence the reader’s emotions and opinions. This may include the use of strong adjectives, emotional appeals, and compelling language to make the argument more convincing.
  4. Acknowledgment of Counterarguments: A well-rounded opinion piece acknowledges and addresses counterarguments. By recognizing alternative viewpoints and refuting opposing ideas, the author demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and strengthens their own argument.
  5. Personal Voice: Opinion writing allows for the expression of a personal voice and style. Authors can inject their personalities and individual perspectives into the piece, making it more engaging for the reader.
  6. Conclusion: A strong conclusion summarizes the main points, restates the thesis, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It may also call for a specific action or suggest a course of thought for the audience to consider.

Opinion writing is commonly taught in schools as it helps students develop critical thinking skills, articulate their opinions, and engage in persuasive communication. It is an important skill for individuals in various professions and is frequently used in public discourse to express opinions on social, political, and cultural issues.

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Types of Opinion Writing

Opinions are classified under the following types: editorials, letters to the editor, op-eds, columns, and cartoons. Opinion pieces often take the form of an editorial written by an editorial board member.

1. Editorials

Editorials, commonly found in newspapers and magazines, are generally opinion articles that express a public stance on a societal topic. In contrast, letters to the editor, submitted by readers, resemble individual opinions written by one person, relying solely on their personal life experiences or perspectives. Cartoons, featuring playful illustrations, convey ideas about current events or issues without explicitly aligning with a particular viewpoint.

2. Columns

Columns represent a specific category of opinion pieces crafted by columnists, usually focusing on news or current events within a particular domain. These pieces are advised to concentrate on a single subject, incorporating expert opinions and potentially urging action or presenting recommendations to encourage audience involvement.

Frequently featured in newspapers, magazines, and online platforms, columns are characterized by the columnist’s demonstrated expertise in the chosen topic. Their significance lies in providing a unique perspective on a contemporary issue or trend, leveraging the columnist’s above-average knowledge.

When constructing columns, using the active voice is preferred over the passive voice as it enhances clarity for readers. For instance, phrases like “I believe…” are more direct and comprehensible than passive constructions like “It is believed….”

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3. Op-eds

Opinion-editorials (op-eds) in newspapers are pieces expressing viewpoints on specific issues. Unlike letters to the editor or editorials, op-eds are a common form of writing submitted by a guest author.

Op-eds are typically featured in print media, appearing opposite the editorial page. Authored by individuals not affiliated with the newspaper’s publisher, these articles serve as a platform to express opinions on various subjects.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an “op-ed” is defined as a newspaper or magazine article bearing the author’s byline. The term gained popularity in New York, where it referred to opinion pieces published under the category of “opinion.” These opinion articles are traditionally crafted for print publication and often incorporate data or statistics to bolster the presented points.

Opinion writing of this nature is frequently composed by public relations agencies to promote a specific agenda. Opinion pieces are pertinent write-ups that allow authors to express their viewpoints to readers and provide guidance on the given subject. Op-ed writing offers a glimpse into an individual’s perspective on a particular issue or topic. When submitting such articles, it is crucial to clearly convey your opinion and captivate the reader with factual information supporting your viewpoint, enabling them to comprehend the rationale behind your stance.

What Is The Structure Of An Opinion Writing?

The structure of opinion writing typically follows a well-defined format to effectively convey the author’s viewpoint and persuade the reader. Here is a common structure for opinion writing:


Opinion writing typically adheres to a specific structure designed to systematically bolster the presented viewpoint. The structure consistently commences with a title, and the title of an opinion piece serves the purpose of persuading readers to engage further with the essay or article.

An effective approach to achieving this is by posing a question. For example, “Is the Conservation of Pandas Warranted?” Such a question promptly categorizes the audience into those in favor and those against, motivating them to delve into the content for additional information.

Opening Statement

Following the title, your introductory statement should be a concise summary of your opinion. Your audience, having formed their own viewpoint, such as advocating for the conservation of pandas, will look to your opening sentence to discern your stance in the argument. In this hypothetical instance, let’s assume the writer disagrees and holds the opinion that pandas should not be saved. Consequently, readers will anticipate a rationale for this standpoint. Subsequently, the initial paragraph serves as an expansion of the opening statement, articulating the finer details of your perspective and providing additional context to elucidate your motivation.


After the introduction, you build an argument. While having a passionate opinion is commendable, crafting an opinion-based piece requires a more extensive argument. What are the reasons behind the belief that pandas are not worth saving? Is it due to their dwindling population, challenges in captivity, or their unsuitable dietary habits? Or is it simply a personal dislike for pandas, with little concern about their extinction? It is crucial to present clear and sincere arguments supporting your stated opinion, seizing the opportunity to inform or potentially sway the reader.

This is an opportunity to introduce new perspectives or information that the reader may not have considered. It marks the initial step in substantiating why you believe your opinion holds merit.


The subsequent step involves presenting corroborating evidence, constituting the most extensive segment of the opinion writing structure due to its detailed nature. There are numerous methods to incorporate supporting evidence into your opinion writing.

Citing authorities in your field who align with your viewpoint can lend authority to your argument, showcasing that your opinion is well-informed. Visual aids, such as graphs and charts, serve as effective tools to convey information that bolsters your ideas. The advantage of evidence lies in its challenging nature to dispute, particularly when derived from reputable sources, thereby reducing the likelihood of reader disagreement.

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Always end your opinion writing with a strong closing statement that reinforces your opinion or suggests a call to action.

Conclusions are the final piece of the opinion writing structure, and they echo the opening. Your aim here isn’t to introduce people to your opinion, but instead to sum everything up and remind them of what they have read. “Pandas shouldn’t be saved, because they mate infrequently, they eat bamboo with little nutritional value, and they cost lots of money to keep.” It can be easy to provide a conclusion that simply states everything but the tricky part is making a powerful lasting sentiment on the reader. 

Examples of Opinion Writing

Example 1: Should School Uniforms Be Mandatory?

Title: The Case Against Mandatory School Uniforms

Introduction: School uniforms have long been a contentious issue in educational settings. While proponents argue that uniforms foster a sense of unity and equality among students, I firmly believe that mandatory school uniforms do more harm than good.

Body Paragraphs: In my opinion, forcing students to wear uniforms suppresses individuality and stifles self-expression. Adolescence is a crucial period for personal identity development, and enforcing a standardized dress code impedes this natural process. Furthermore, the financial burden on families cannot be ignored. Requiring specific uniforms often places an additional strain on already tight budgets.

Supporting Evidence: According to a study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, schools with mandatory uniform policies reported no significant improvement in student behavior or academic performance compared to those without such policies.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the imposition of mandatory school uniforms infringes upon students’ rights to express themselves and places an unnecessary economic burden on families. A more balanced approach would prioritize fostering a positive and inclusive school culture without sacrificing individuality.

Example 2: The Benefits of Sustainable Living

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Title: Embracing Sustainable Practices for a Greener Future

Introduction: As our planet grapples with the detrimental effects of climate change, individuals and communities must adopt sustainable living practices. In my view, embracing sustainability not only mitigates environmental degradation but also yields numerous personal and societal benefits.

Body Paragraphs: Sustainable living involves making conscious choices that reduce our ecological footprint. From using renewable energy sources to practicing mindful consumption, these actions contribute to the preservation of our planet. Moreover, sustainable practices often lead to healthier lifestyles, emphasizing fresh, locally sourced foods and minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals.

Supporting Evidence: A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights that adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy, is essential to combating climate change and preserving biodiversity.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the adoption of sustainable living practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances personal well-being and fosters a more resilient and interconnected society. It is high time we prioritize sustainable choices to secure a greener and healthier future for generations to come.

FAQs On Opinion Writing

What is opinion writing?

Opinion writing is a form of writing where the author expresses their personal viewpoint on a specific topic, issue, or subject. The goal is to persuade the reader to adopt or agree with the author’s opinion.

How does opinion writing differ from other types of writing?

Opinion writing is distinct in that it focuses on the author’s perspective and aims to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint. Unlike informational or explanatory writing, which primarily conveys facts, opinion writing is subjective and often involves the author’s feelings, beliefs, and judgments.

Can I include personal experiences in opinion writing?

Yes, incorporating personal experiences can strengthen your opinion writing by adding authenticity and emotional appeal. However, it’s essential to balance personal anecdotes with evidence and reasoning to create a well-supported argument.


Whether you’re a seasoned writer or new to the craft, understanding the nuances of opinion writing can help you effectively communicate your point of view and engage with others in meaningful discussions. I hope you find this helpful.


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