7 Tips to Hire a Freelance Grant Writer in 2024

Grant writing is one of the hardest types of writing. And if you are in need of a grant writer to help you write your grant to secure the funding for your next project, you’d really need to pay close attention to certain details so as to carefully select the very best.

We have carefully written this article with you in mind, to help you learn what to look out for in a grant writer before you hire them. Ultimately, this is a guide to help you know how to hire a freelance writer.

So, we implore you to stay on here as we lead through this journey.

Let’s get started…

Who is a Grant Writer?

First off, who is a grant writer? A grant writer is a skilled technical writer who helps corporate organizations write proposals and applications and helps them gather documentation and fulfill the necessary requirements of various funding bodies in order to secure funding.

The funding here could be from government, individuals or other donor organizations.

What Does a Freelance Grant Writer Do?

Here are some specific tasks that a grant writer performs:

  1. Research: A freelance grant writer identify potential grant opportunities that align with the organization’s mission and programs. This includes researching grant databases, government websites, and other resources to find relevant funding sources.
  2. Proposal Development: Freelance grant writer writes grant proposals that outline the organization’s objectives, programs, budget, and expected outcomes. This may involve collaborating with program staff, gathering data and statistics, and crafting persuasive narratives to demonstrate the organization’s capacity to achieve its goals.
  3. Budgeting: They develop budgets that accurately reflect the costs associated with the proposed project or program. This includes outlining expenses such as personnel salaries, equipment, supplies, and other direct and indirect costs.
  4. Grant Compliance: Also, freelance writers ensures that grant proposals comply with the requirements and guidelines set forth by the funding organization. This may involve adhering to specific formatting guidelines, submission deadlines, and reporting requirements.
  5. Relationship Building: In addition, building relationships with funders and maintaining regular communication to keep them informed about the organization’s progress and impact, which involves attending meetings, networking events, and providing updates on funded projects.

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Why hire a Grant Writer?

There are so many reasons why you need to hire a writer.

The first reason is that grant writing is very difficult and you may not be able to write it yourself if you don’t outsource it to a skilled grant writer.

When you hire a writer, you are certain of getting a perfect job done. Grant writers bring more experience, checks, and ultimately a better chance of award. 

More so, hiring a grant writer allows you to view the work from another lens. You have review of all drafts before the application is submitted and you can suggest changes, ask questions, and truly direct your grant application development.

What to Prepare Before You Hire a Grant Writer

Before hiring a freelance grant writer, it’s important to prepare several key elements to ensure a successful collaboration and maximize the chances of securing funding. Here’s what you should prepare before bringing a grant writer on board:

#1. Organizational Overview

You should provide a comprehensive overview of your organization, including its mission, vision, values, and history to the grant writer. This information will help the him understand the context in which your organization operates and tailor grant proposals to align with your goals.

#2. Program or Project Details

Clearly outline the specific programs or projects for which you are seeking funding. Describe the objectives, activities, target beneficiaries, and expected outcomes of each program or project.

By providing this information, it will enable the grant writer to articulate your organization’s needs and goals effectively in grant proposals.

#3. Budget Information

You need to prepare detailed budgets for each program or project for which you are seeking funding. Also, include all relevant expenses, such as personnel costs, supplies, equipment, travel, and overhead expenses.

Having accurate budget information will enable the grant writer to develop realistic and compelling grant proposals that reflect your financial needs.

#4. Supporting Documentation

Gather any supporting documentation that may be relevant to your grant applications, such as annual reports, financial statements, program evaluations, and testimonials from beneficiaries.

These documents provide evidence of your organization’s track record, impact, and financial stability, which can strengthen your grant proposals.

#5. Funding Priorities and Guidelines

You should clearly communicate your organization’s funding priorities and preferences to the writer. Also, provide guidance on the types of grants you are interested in pursuing, the geographic areas you serve, and any specific requirements or preferences you have regarding funders.

This will help the grant writer identify relevant funding opportunities and tailor proposals accordingly.

#6. Internal Processes and Timelines

Establish clear processes and timelines for managing the grant writing process internally. Designate a point of contact or team responsible for coordinating with the grant writer, reviewing proposals, and submitting applications.

Also, establish deadlines for proposal development, internal review, and submission to ensure that grant applications are completed in a timely manner.

#7. Budget for Grant Writing Services

In addition, you need to allocate a budget for hiring a freelance grant writer and any associated expenses, such as research tools or professional development.

Also, consider the scope and complexity of your grant writing needs when determining your budget and be prepared to negotiate rates with potential grant writers based on their level of experience and expertise.

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Factors To Look For In A Professional Grant Writer

When searching for a professional freelance grant writer, it’s essential to find someone who possesses certain qualities and skills to effectively secure funding for your organization. Here are some key factors to look for in a professional grant writer:

  1. Experience: You should look out for grant writers with a proven track record of success in securing funding for organizations similar to yours. seek for professionals with experience in your specific sector (nonprofit, education, healthcare, etc.) and familiarity with the types of grants you are pursuing.
  2. Writing Skills: A professional freelance grant writer should have excellent writing skills, including the ability to craft clear, concise, and persuasive proposals. Look for candidates who can communicate your organization’s mission, programs, and impact effectively and who can tailor their writing style to meet the requirements of different grant applications.
  3. Research Abilities: A successful freelance grant writer should be able to conduct thorough research to identify relevant funding opportunities and gather the information needed to support grant applications. Look for candidates who are skilled at navigating grant databases, conducting prospect research, and synthesizing complex information.
  4. Understanding of Grant Guidelines: Look for grant writers who have a solid understanding of grant guidelines and requirements. They should be familiar with the application process for various funders, including government agencies, foundations, and corporations, and be able to ensure that grant proposals meet all necessary criteria.

More Factors To Look For In A Professional Grant Writer

  1. Budgeting Skills: Grant writers should have basic budgeting skills to develop accurate and realistic budgets for grant proposals. Also, they should be able to estimate costs associated with proposed projects or programs and ensure that budgets align with funder guidelines and expectations.
  2. Project Management Abilities: Grant writing often involves managing multiple deadlines and priorities simultaneously. Look for candidates who are organized, detail-oriented, and capable of managing the grant writing process efficiently from start to finish.
  3. Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for collaborating with internal stakeholders, communicating with funders, and representing your organization professionally. So, look for grant writers who are responsive, collaborative, and able to communicate clearly and effectively with team members and external partners.
  4. Ethical Standards: In addition, you need to look at for a grant writer who adheres to high ethical standards and values integrity in their work. They should be transparent about their fees and any potential conflicts of interest and should prioritize the best interests of your organization when seeking funding opportunities.

How much does a Freelance Grant Writer make?

Grant writers are a special candidates because they require full knowledge of the subject matter and need to master a specific format in which the organisation operates.

Therefore, their salary depend on experiences and other factors like their mode of work either full time or freelancing, individual or organisation. They get paid through hourly/monthly rate or project fees.

According to Upwork, grant writers charges are: Beginner: $23.23 – $35 per hour, intermediate: $60 per hour, and advanced: $125 per hour.

Also, according to Glassdoor, the average salary of a grant writer is between the range of $37,000 and $117,000. While According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average technical writer’s salary is around $72,850 in the United States.

In addition, a Freelance Grant Writer can make an average of $59,420 per year. This is largely dependent on the quality of clients he gets and the quality of work he does.

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How to become a grant writer

There are many ways to becoming a Grant Writer. The most important skill you require to be a great grant writer is to possess excellent writing skills. You may not really require any degree to begin your journey as a grant writer.

To begin your journey as a grant writer, here what steps you should take:

1. Learn how to write grant proposals

Learn and refine your grant writing skills. You can do this by enrolling in an online certificate program for grant writing. Earning a certificate will help your resume stand out to employers.

You may also choose to take a class online that teaches you about grant writing. Many resources offered online for writing grant proposals are free or inexpensive.

For instance, the American Grant Writer’s Association provides online courses in grant consulting and grant writing or they offer opportunities for certification.

These professional development courses and certifications will help you gain skills that you can immediately use in the grant writing career field.

2. Gain experience

Most entry level grant writing jobs require two years of experience. The best way to gain experience as a grant writer is to obtain a volunteer or internship opportunity. Many employers will want to hire a grant writer that has experience in the industry that they are writing grants for.

For instance, if you would like to apply for a job that writes grants for a healthcare company, it may be helpful to volunteer or intern in the medical field for grant writing. When you are familiar with a specific industry, it makes it easier for you to write grant proposals that are successful.

You may also try networking with other grant writers. They may know of some open positions that you could research and provide you with helpful tips that will enhance your chances of getting hired.

3. Update your resume

It is important to update your resume before you apply for jobs as a grant writer. Your new resume should reflect the skills you’ve acquired while completing an internship or volunteer opportunity and you can use those opportunities as relevant work experience.

When you are applying for jobs, you may also try reviewing the job description and qualifications and adjust your resume according to what the position requires.

You may also try asking for a letter of recommendation from a representative of one of the organizations you wrote proposals for during your volunteer work or internship.

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4. Become a member of a grant writers’ association

When you choose to join a professional group for grant writers, you will be able to gain more access to job opportunities and training. Becoming a member of a grant writers’ association will also allow you to attend conferences and network with other professional grant writers.

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Tips on how to find a Grant Writer

If you are looking to hire a grant writer, here are a few steps to help you learn what to look out for before hiring a grant writer.

To hire a grant writer best suited to work with you and your team, be specific about what experience, tone, area of expertise, pay rate, etc. you want.

Clearly define what you want them to do for you from the onset

Before you conclude whether you are going to hire a grant writer or not, ensure you have listed out in clear terms what you require them to do. This is so as to enable have a firm grab of what they are expected to do.

Have them provide proofs of other projects they’ve done

One of the things that will determine if you should hire a grant writer or not is a track record of projects they’ve handled and delivered.

A grant writer should be able to provide you with you links and templates of works he has done in the past. This will further convince you whether he really deserves to do your work or not.

Ensure they meet the following requirements

Setting particulars aside, a skilled grant writer should meet the following requirements if you must hire them.

  • Experience writing grants
  • Can provide you with examples and references
  • Communicates clearly
  • Responds within a reasonable amount of time

Be up-front with your grant writer’s about payment

It’s a good idea to be transparent with your grant writer. Discuss well on time how much you’re going to pay them before they begin their job. Part of what you should discuss is whether they will be paid by the hour, paid up-front, or paid a flat fee for each project.

Another thing you should also discuss is the means by which you will pay the writer; are you going to use payment gateways like Paypal or direct deposit.

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Always follow the writer up

After reviewing applications, including grant examples, you’ll need to narrow your list down to 3 candidates that meet your requirements. Then, schedule phone interviews with the remaining candidates.

Once you’ve found a writer that you believe will work well with your team, contact their references to confirm their experience was a positive one.


What qualifications should a freelance grant writer possess?

A freelance grant writer should have experience in grant writing, strong writing skills, knowledge of grant-making processes, and the ability to tailor proposals to specific funders and grant opportunities.

How long does it take to complete a grant writing project?

The timeline for completing a grant writing project can vary depending on factors such as project scope, research requirements, and the availability of relevant data. On average, it may take several weeks to months to complete a grant proposal from start to finish.

Do freelance grant writers guarantee funding success?

While freelance grant writers can increase your chances of securing funding by crafting strong proposals, they cannot guarantee funding success. Grant awards depend on various factors, including the quality of the proposal, alignment with funder priorities, and competition from other applicants.

What steps can I take to maximize the success of my grant application?

To maximize the success of your grant application, you should thoroughly research grant opportunities, tailor your proposals to funder priorities, provide compelling evidence of need and impact, and adhere to application guidelines and deadlines.


Following these tips listed out here will definitely guide you to find most skilled grant writers for your projects. To further help you, read our article on 10 Online Writing Resources For Effective Freelancing In 2024.


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