10 Steps To Mastering Writing Feedback As A Freelancer – WritersGig Blog

Good writing thrives with the collaboration of ideas. When people work together and share writing feedback, as a freelancer, you produce better results from them.

With open communication that encourages feedback in writings as a freelancer, it’s much easier to satisfy your client and bring a creative vision to life.

In today’s world mostly online, the first impression is 92% writing-related which is putting down a well and constructive write-up. So, if you want to make the best first impression, you need to accept feedback in writing and writing a contract as a freelancer.

In this article, we will show you the steps to mastering writing feedback as a freelancer. The table of contents provided below will give you an overview.

What is writing feedback as a Freelancer?

As a freelancer, feedback is a tool for growth and improvement. Whether you’re a writer, designer, or developer, understanding how to effectively receive and utilize feedback can enhance your skills and elevate your work.

So, talking about writing feedback involves taking/giving constructive criticism and suggestions to help improve the quality and effectiveness of a client’s written work.

Furthermore, this feedback can involves various aspects of writing, including grammar, structure, clarity, coherence, style, and overall message delivery. The goal is to help the client enhance their writing skills and achieve their desired communication objectives.

Components of Writing Feedback

Here are some key components of writing feedback as a freelancer:

  1. Clarity: As a freelancer, clearly identify strengths and weaknesses in the writing, providing specific examples and explanations to illustrate your points.
  2. Constructive Criticism: Offer actionable suggestions for improvement, focusing on areas where the writing could be strengthened. This might include recommending revisions to sentence structure, word choice, organization, or overall flow.
  3. Respectful Tone: Maintain a professional and respectful tone in your feedback, avoiding harsh criticism or negative language. Remember that the client may have put considerable effort into their writing, and your feedback should aim to be helpful rather than discouraging.
  4. Empathy and Understanding: Consider the client’s goals, target audience, and context when providing feedback as a freelancer. address your suggestions to align with the client’s objectives and the intended purpose of the writing.
  5. Encouragement for Growth: Offer encouragement and support for the client’s ongoing development as a writer. Emphasize that receiving feedback is a normal part of the writing process and that each round of feedback presents an opportunity for improvement.
  6. Clear Action Steps: Provide clear guidance on how the client can implement your feedback, whether through specific revision tasks or general writing tips and resources.
  7. Open Communication: Encourage open communication and invite the client to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspects of your feedback. Be responsive to their inquiries and willing to provide further assistance as needed.

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Types of Writing Feedback as a Freelancer

In freelancing, here are the two primary types of writing feedback:

#1. Constructive Feedback

This type of feedback focuses on providing specific suggestions for improvement while also acknowledging the strengths of the writing.

It shows the areas where the writer can enhance clarity, coherence, and effectiveness. Constructive feedback aims to help the writer develop their skills and produce higher-quality work.

#2. Positive Feedback

Positive feedback emphasizes the strengths and successes of the writing. It acknowledges elements of the writing that are well-executed, effective, or particularly engaging.

Also, positive feedback can motivate the writer and boost their confidence, reinforcing positive aspects of their work while encouraging continued growth and development.

How To Give Great Feedback To Your Freelancer

As a freelancer, I know you have an idea of what is like to get feedback on your work. You put your heart, soul, and work into someone’s project anxiously waiting for a reply after pressing the send button.

Sometimes feedback can be hurtful or given well, but the end result should be achieving the best. Here are great feedbacks you can give to your freelancer.

  • There is no need to be offensive or personal about things you don’t like. You are dealing with a human being, so be nice.
  • The more specific you can be the better. Tell us exactly which bits you don’t like.
  • If you have an idea of what you prefer, you can tell us. we know you might not be a copywriter, graphic designer, web designer, etc but it will help us get a closer idea of what you what.
  • Read through your comments and think if this will make sense to someone who isn’t in your head? Be as clear as you can.
  • It best if comments are given on the document itself rather than in a separate email (unless they are broad or large).

Steps On How To Master Writing Feedback As A Freelancer

To get paid for your work is important when you send freelance invoices. However, if you want to progress in your career, you need more than money. 

By welcoming writing feedback from your clients, you get valuable insights that help you improve your skillset.

So, here are ten steps to get better feedback in writing projects.

#1. Set The Stage

If is possible for you, don’t take clients by surprise. 

Instead, you can give them some notice so they have a little time to think about things. When you create your freelance contracts with any freelance site, you could include a clause that states feedback will be requested at the end of this article.

Whenever you want their opinion on something, you should provide as much context as possible like goals so your client will be well-informed.

Also, read this: Types Of Freelance Writing | Descriptions And Jobs

#2. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Always try to make your writing feedback questions more open-ended, so that you probe for more input. For example

  • What is your opinion on this section?
  • How do you think we can improve the call-to-action?

Knowing the right types of questions to ask will help you get the right feedback. Also, prepare yourself to respond with follow-up questions too, just to clarify any points the client raises.

#3. Focus On The Problem

It very easy and possible to veer off-topic once the discussion begins to flow.

So, when such a thing happens, remind everyone of the goals you mention earlier, and ask specific questions to keep things on track.

#4. Stay positive and gracious

Occasionally, freelancers may take offense to some of the writing feedback that comes their way. This can quickly put people off giving feedback again.

So, always remain gracious when people are providing feedback, thanking them for their business, and their input.

Try to understand that your clients have a vision in mind for this write-up. It is only through open communication and collaboration that you, as the writer, will be able to bring their vision to life.

Also, know that by adopting a growth mindset, you can view all writing feedback as an opportunity for learning and improvement.

#5. Don’t Forget To Take Note

To some freelancers, they prefer to sit and listen when people are providing writing feedback but know that you might not remember everything. So, If you’re truly going to learn from this experience, you should take plenty of notes.

You can do this using audio recording, or the normal pen and pad. Whatever option you choose, make the most of these valuable feedback sessions to develop your career.

Whether you’re a client, project manager, or just another member of the writing team, it’s inevitable that you will need to give some writing feedback at some point.

So, before we continue, keep these things below in mind when providing feedback in writing write-ups.

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#6. Understand The Need Of Clarity

Remember to establish your goal in the writing brief, so the writer will understand the initial objectives before they commence work on a write-up.

However, during the process, the defined goals of each individual writing section will become apparent. writers will need clarification on certain pages, sections, or minor elements to be able to deliver the best.

#7. Deliver feedback quickly and regularly

For writers, there’s nothing worse than spending days or even weeks working hard to put things together, only to be told that the whole project isn’t moving in the right direction. With clear goals defined from the outset, this shouldn’t happen – but sometimes, it still does.

However, this can be avoided if the feedback is provided from the early stages. This way, the project gets off on the right foot. After that, perhaps you can have weekly meetings or get in the habit of sending a writing feedback form to make regular critiques.

#8. Assess the writing, not the writer

Studies on the psychology of feedback show that almost 60% of people welcome corrective feedback about their work, rather than simply getting praise for doing something right.

The important thing to remember is that you should direct your feedback towards the writing, not the writer. By maintaining focus on the work, there’s less chance that writers will take your comments personally.

#9. Focus on one aspect at a time

As a writer, it’s not easy to have your best efforts picked apart by somebody. You may not take everything on board as the criticism flows, which makes the whole exercise of giving feedback counterproductive.

You should focus on one aspect at a time. Give feedback for that, then give the writer a chance to reflect and offer some solutions.

#10. Be Specific

When writers ask you questions, they want to know what you really think about things. Responding with short answers will not offer people the insight they need.

Be specific with your design feedback by explaining what you want to see in very precise detail. If possible, use visual examples from other brands, and describe what you’d like the writer to do.

Also, check this: Preparing For Your First Interview As A Freelance Writer

FAQs – Mastering Writing Feedback As A Freelancer

How do I know if feedback is valid?

Valid feedback is specific, actionable, and provided by individuals with expertise in your field. Consider the source and the substance of the feedback before implementing it.

How can I handle harsh criticism without feeling discouraged?

When you are faced with harsh criticism, try to separate the emotion from the feedback. Focus on the constructive aspects, and use the criticism as motivation to improve.

Should I seek feedback on every project?

While seeking feedback can be beneficial, it’s not necessary for every project. Use your judgment to know when feedback would be most helpful and relevant to your goals.


As people ask more writing feedback questions and actively review the write-up, people will get better at giving feedback, and also at receiving it.

It’s important to keep things in perspective by recognizing it is a collaborative growth process aimed at improving the quality of work.



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