How to Boost your Freelance Writer Portfolio Fast

A writing portfolio is everything to a freelance writer. It is the best way to professionally display your skills and accomplishments without appearing egotistic.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to create a specific portfolio, visibility is very important. Without this, no one will ever know your worth.

The biggest challenge that most freelance writers face is knowing the kind of portfolio to have and being able to attract their prospective clients.

This raises a big question. What kind of portfolio should you have? How do you boost your portfolio as a freelance writer?

When it comes to proving your professional worth as a freelance writer, “to tell and show” is important.

Most writers put so much effort into building a captivating portfolio (tell) and neglecting the side of ensuring they attract the right customer (show). As a freelance writer, you should be able to tell your story and make yourself visible to the world at the same time.

People do the same kind of work as you do, but no one does it the way you do it. That’s what makes you different. So, your writing portfolio should stand out.

The ease of offering freelance writing services has made the marketplace competitive. This shouldn’t limit your visibility.

Building an eye-catching portfolio raises your chance of becoming visible to your prospective client. Yes, that’s true.

Let me show you the kind of writing portfolio you should build as a freelance writer and how to boost it fast.

What is a Writing Portfolio?

A writing portfolio is a limited collection of a student’s writing for assessment purposes. It contains your best writing as a freelance writer.

Equally, your writing portfolio shows your writing skills in your niche topic and your strength in your specific niche. It also show off the places where your work has appeared if you’re writing in blog posts or a website.

It is different from the traditional writing portfolio that contains all of a writer’s work. Typically, a writing portfolio contains only the best efforts of a writer.

What Kind of Portfolio Should You Have?

There are no definite rules to the kind of portfolio you should have or what to include in a writing portfolio.

Your aim is to make your prospective clients have confidence that you can deliver the work they need for their business. Hence, you should give a detailed outline of your work experience.

Does is it mean your writing portfolio must contain EVERY piece of writing you’ve ever written?


It should only house relevant and up-to-date content that showcases your best writing skills in the specific writing niche you are involved in.

For instance, on my portfolio page, I clearly share writing examples for different topics like to write about: Education, Blogging, Business, Money Making, Personal Development, Social Media, and many others.

Basically, I build my writing portfolio with the type of content I want to be paid for. This includes website content for an information page like, sample emails, blog posts, site content for business development.

I often write content on websites and blogs, so my writing portfolio comprises website and blog content. I think this is the easiest type of content to create and market for your business. You can get a regular job as a freelance blog author.

But how do you intend to achieve that?

I will say you should start by making sure you include the following things when creating your online writing portfolio.

  • Writing Samples
  • Biography
  • Links to Social Media
  • Call to Action
  • Easy Site Navigation

Freelance Writing Portfolio Samples & Examples.

I believe you now understand the puzzle of a writing portfolio. Now, how do you put together the pieces to make an outstanding writing portfolio that can help you win gigs?

The first thing that should come to your mind is to seek for a freelance writing portfolio samples from prominent freelance writers.

We have two examples of a writing portfolio with different styles.

Example #1 of a Freelance Writing Portfolio

From the sample below, Elna starts with a basic bio that goes to the point of why clients hire her. She clearly stated that she offers social media marketing and eBook design.

Also, she gave internal links to the pages that contain more detailed information for clients who take her services more seriously.

Freelance Writer Portfolio Samples
Freelance Writing Portfolio Examples

By showing some work she’s done for big brands, Elan stands as a prospective freelancer to clients while also building credibility.

Note, she included the “Connect With Me” button at the end that makes it easy to get in touch with her.

Example #2 of a Freelance Writing Portfolio

Comparing Elan’s freelance writer portfolio to Deevra’s, you’ll notice that they are different. While Elan took the simplest approach, Deevra embarks on a result driven approach.

Her portfolio is still clear and straightforward like Elan’s, but it highlights a lot of customer relationships to maximize authority.

Freelance Writing Portfolio Samples

From the beginning, Deevra shows that she worked with some of the biggest brands and social media sites.

Then she went on to show her featured articles. Anyone in her niche would understand the work it takes to get an article on these sites. This gives credibility to the ideal clients.

Rather than just linking to her work, Deevra gave a screenshot of her work platform.

Freelancer Writer Portfolio Samples

Tips for Beginner Freelance Writers who need Samples for their Portfolio

Writing samples are the first part of a freelance writer’s portfolio.

Here are the ways to find and choose good examples for your portfolio in the parts that follow.

Take a writing class and learn from other people’s work

Not only will it help you become a better writer, but the courses will most likely involve several writing projects. 

With your instructor’s notes in hand, you can add the modified versions to your portfolio.

Determine your writing niche

Your area of knowledge is one of the most important aspects to consider when picking or creating writing samples. 

Someone checking through your portfolio should be able to identify instantly what you specialize in.

Write spec ads, or try guest blogging

If you think your writing is refined enough and have decided on a niche, now is the time to get down and create some samples. 

Here are a few choices to consider:

If you are a copywriter, you can work with a graphic designer to make spec ads. 

Fake commercials, sometimes known as “spec ads,” are widely created by students in advertising programs. You and your partner can come up with an idea jointly or separately. You write the copy, while your friend sketches the drawings. 

The finished advertisement can be displayed in both of your portfolios; just remember to give credit where it is due.

Consider guest writing if you want to focus on building longer content. 

What exactly does it mean to guest blog or post? It happens when one of your authored pieces is published on a non-personal blog. 

Depending on their criteria, you can send the blog editors an email with a full plan or a pitch about the topic you’ve chosen.

 It’s a terrific chance because it gives you credibility, a variety of examples to share, and even backlinks to your own website.

Another alternative you should always consider is to give your services to relatives and family members who live nearby.

You can start building your freelance writing portfolio as a professional writer for free or for a little cost. 

In this way, you can help your loved ones and their businesses while still obtaining tasks and honest feedback on your work without the pressure of a higher-paying job.

If all else fails, you can always make jobs and projects on the spot and compose the material for them. Nobody will care whether it was a paid or unpaid work as long as your writing is good and you can show your ability to solve problems and think creatively. 

You can always filter the practice samples to include only the best ones in your portfolio, so feel free to make more than you need.

Do you know the types of freelancing? Types Of Freelance Writing | Descriptions And Jobs

How to build your portfolio as a freelance writer once you’ve created samples

Although having outstanding writing samples is important, they will serve little purpose if they are not presented in the best possible way. 

As a result, we’ll provide you some practical tips on how to create an orderly, tidy freelance writer portfolio that will convert visitors into paying clients.

To save your readers time, limit the number of writing samples to a minimal.

As a writer, you understand the value of considering your audience when working on a project. The same is true for your freelance writing portfolio. 

Because they do not have the time, your possible clients will not want to spend hours reading your portfolio.

As a result, you must ensure that your website and writing portfolio sway them within fifteen minutes or less. That’s usually the longest they’ll stay on your portfolio website.

Reducing the amount of writing examples in your portfolio is an easy way to ensure that they finish reading on time

We suggest adding no more than 6-8 projects, preferably at least 4.

Make sure the images for your writing pieces are visually engaging

It’s one thing to have your projects offered on your website. Getting people to click through is another story. 

Make sure each of your projects has a visually appealing thumbnail picture to persuade folks to check them out.

Consider summarizing your efforts to create short case studies

Simply providing a link to a previous piece of writing allows them to rate your writing ability. But, as earlier stated, it is improbable that your potential clients will have the time to do so. 

It will also not answer every question they have about your degree of knowledge.

Rather, you should approach describing your projects as small case studies. 

Naturally, you may include a link to the finished article, but you should also provide your readers with some context for the project’s construction. 

You should write about:

  • How you were given the task and what the first step of coming up with ideas for the project. 
  • Any issues you had while working on it and how you overcame them.

In addition, show the final work as an image. If the information is currently live on the internet, take a screenshot of it! 

You never know when they’ll decide to change your original work or remove it from the entire site. To avoid losing any of your references as a result of situations like these, it’s helpful to have visual proof of what you achieved.

Use a portfolio maker to help you write your case studies

The writing process will be 10 times faster if you have the relevant parts structured, along with the right mockups and leading questions.

You can use a portfolio maker like Copyfolio.

Use endorsements and testimonials to boost your image

Even though your case studies and writing samples should be sufficient proof of your skills, testimonials are an additional method for increasing your credibility in the eyes of potential customers.

Testimonials and suggestions, especially when combined with the writers’ names, photos, and even relationships, can be an accurate indicator of their qualifications. 

In addition, your visitors are highly encouraged to contact you.

Use a call to action to encourage people to contact you

Visitors to any type of website, including portfolios, want clear directions on what to do; otherwise, they’ll surf the site for a short time before clicking away. 

These instructions are referred to as call-to-actions, or CTAs.

This may be directing them to look at your work, read your bio, or contact you directly. 

CTAs can show as links, buttons, or even plain text.

Always include one CTA each page. 

Multiples on the same page will divert visitors and lower the likelihood of a conversion. 

There can be more than one on each page, but you can have a mix throughout your website.

You should read this: How to Become a Grant Writer and Make Money

Ensure that your portfolio looks great and is responsive across all devices

Did you know that mobile devices make for at least half of the traffic on most websites? 

Make sure your website is responsive so that anyone looking to browse your freelance writing resume may do so on their phone.

As a result, you must choose a platform that not only allows you to do so, but also makes it easy. 

Even still, before sharing links to your website, check how it looks on a mobile device. 

It is important to analyze how your headlines flow around the page, as well as how your photographs are presented and whether you can see all of their information clearly.

Choose a quick and simple website builder to begin your independent writing portfolio

If you want to ensure that you can follow all of the suggestions mentioned above, you must choose a reputable website builder. 

To save you time and assure a quality website building experience, these are the things that must be checked. 

The website maker you hire should;

  • Be a “what you see is what you get” editor, letting you to change a website while seeing how it will appear live. Going back and forth between the editor and the live site view will save you a large amount time.
  • Have a fast and responsive editor. That is not the one for you if you frequently have to wait minutes for the editor to load and wind up spending more time staring at the loading screens than on your real website.
  • Be extremely simple to use and require no lessons or directions. Though it may sound cliche, time is money, and trying to figure out how to get your website editor to work is not time well spent. Always look out intuitive designs.
  • Allow you some flexibility in these areas. Your pages must be adaptable enough to allow you to rearrange parts and add text, pictures, and other features as you see fit.
  • Have special features that help you save time. Similarly, giving you access to established color schemes so you can change the appearance of your website without having to spend time selecting which colors work well together and complement your design.

How to Boost your Freelance Writer Portfolio Fast

#1. Create a Writing Portfolio on Your Social Media Handle

In this age where everything is online, your presence on social media can boost your freelance career. This is particularly useful for those just starting out.

If potential clients don’t know you by reputation, they need a quick and easy way to learn about your work, your style, and your level of professionalism.

While social media accounts can work wonders (having a few thousand followers on Twitter never hurts a freelance writer’s credibility), you’ll need more than that as an online business card.

This is where your online portfolio comes in.

Creating a writing portfolio on your Social Media platforms can help boost your portfolio fast.

A simple online portfolio that promotes your freelance writing can go a long way in helping you attract clients.

You may have a personal account on social media, but it’s a good idea to open new accounts for your freelance writing business. However, some choose to optimize their already personal accounts.

That’s quite understandable, because if you create too many new accounts, you may not have time to keep up with all of them.

If you choose to optimize your existing account, I will advise you pick one or two social media platforms to focus on, like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Use your accounts to network with potential clients and other freelance writers. This can surely boost your writing portfolio fast.

#2. Use the Writers Marketplace

To be successful either as a new or old freelance writer, you need to improve your visibility. One way to do this is to add your profile to Writers Marketplace.

When you join WritersGig, you’ll have your own profile with an online portfolio and a list of the services you’ve offered.

Please take your time to complete your profile and portfolio, ensuring that it reflects the full breadth of your professional and personal experience, academic background, and other references.

Once you’re done, click “Save and Upload” button, then you become visible in the Marketplace. This allows clients to find you and contact you directly about job opportunities.

If you find it difficult to register on WriterGig, see this blog post on How to Register as a Buyer or Writer on WritersGig.

Assuming you already have a website set up, linking to you website is another fastest and easiest way to boost your writing portfolio. This is the most flexible and customizable if you know a little trick to it.

Regardless of the type of website you have and software you used to manage your website, it’s easy to display your portfolio using a simple set of links.

You can choose your best work to display or go ahead and list a wide range of works for your prospects to peruse, then link them to your website.

To prevent a large portfolio from being overwhelming, try to separate it by topic or format. And if you’re a bit technical and you like to have precise control over how your portfolio is displayed, this is probably the best option for you.

#4. Join Contently

With the high increase of freelancing career, there are tools created every day specifically for freelancer writers.

As having and publishing a writing portfolio is one of the main requirements of freelancers, there are several websites and apps specifically designed for this.

One of these popular platforms is Contently. Contently is a great option if you need to get something up and running quickly.

This Freelance Content Marketing Company and Marketplace (Contently) provide a tool for freelance writers to add and view their articles and blog posts from the web.

You can also use it to complement a smaller portfolio by including many more samples as you can add unlimited links without it looking cluttered.

This should not be your only online portfolio platform, because you don’t want to lose all your work if Contently is lost or something goes wrong with your account.

To get started, simply sign up for Contently and start adding links to your published articles (or download PDF files). It will automatically extract the titles, descriptions and images from your links.

#5. Create a Visual Portfolio on Pinterest

Using Pinterest to share your work is a great idea, especially if you’re looking to show off. Although this might not be one of the fastest way to boost your visibility, it still have great influence to your writing portfolio.

You may think of Pinterest as just a platform for sharing recipes and home decor, but Pinterest lends itself perfectly to creating a standalone portfolio.

You can create a single table with all your samples or separate tables for each niche, topic, or audience.

#6. Start Guest Posting

Guest posting is another way to boost your writing portfolio online.

If you know where your writing interest is, then you can opt for guest posting. You can look for well-written, high-traffic blogs in your area of ​​interest, then apply for guest posting. The more you write, you’re automatically building your portfolio.

Guest posting will grant you a greater chance of writing for different niches. By so doing, you’re building and boosting your writing portfolio at the same time.

#7. Use WordPress Plugins

If you use WordPress, there are millions of plugins available to the users for effectiveness. This also implies to freelance add-ons.

There are many plugins that helps writers show off their portfolio.

If you already have a WordPress website, or are planning to build one, then you have greater chance.

Using a WordPress portfolio plugin is an effective and relatively easy way to create a great-looking professional and visually interesting portfolio that will surely grab your customer’s attention.

This approach is worth using if you’re writing for a website.

FAQS on Freelance Writer Portfolio

Do I need a portfolio to be a freelance writer?

As a freelance writer, you need a portfolio. Freelance writer portfolio is one of the most important ways of landing new client. .

Can I be a freelance writer with no experience?

Yes, you can become a freelance writer and even own a portfolio with no experience.

How do I sell myself as a freelance writer?

You need to understand your value, your unique selLing point, build strong presence, have a strong online presence and understand customer needs and work with them.

Final Thoughts

As I mentioned earlier, there are many ways to showcase and boost your portfolio as a freelance writer.

You can start by building your writing portfolio on social media platforms, then join a writing marketplace.

These two ways will definitely scale up the visibility of your portfolio.

For me, this are the most professional way to show your freelance writing portfolio to potential clients.

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