How to view your submitted proposals on WritersGig

We already understand that finding your way around WritersGig will be somewhat daunting, especially if you are new to it. And sincerely, we want to help you find your way here. In this article, we want to help you learn, particularly, how to view your submitted proposals on WritersGig.

We started by showing you how to register on WritersGig, we went on to show you how to view your draft and a number of other steps we have shown you.

So for this particular article, do follow very closely as we proceed on this journey. If you are just getting started on the platform, click here to begin your journey.

How to find a buyer on WritersGig

There are basically two ways to find someone to buy your services on WritersGig. A buyer can either contact you by themselves if they find your gig interesting or you can send them a proposal on an offer they’ve created.

See how to send a proposal here.

If a buyer contacts you directly, it means you have pitched your skills so that they are captivated enough to reach out to you. This is the very reason you should sell yourself properly while creating your gig.

Always use ‘power’ words that are subtle and at the same time compelling while creating your gig. This is what buyers will see. That is what will determine if they’ll reach out to you or check on the person next door.

Another way to find a buyer is to reach out to them. You reach out to them by writing them a proposal on an offer they’ve created.

So what is a proposal on WritersGig? Find out in the lines to come.

What is a proposal on WritersGig?

A proposal on WritersGig is likened to a sale copy that allows you to use persuasive words to market and sell yourself and your skills to a prospective buyer. This is usually done on an offer they’ve created.

So, when you send a buyer a proposal and the proposal interests them, they’ll go ahead and hire you. When a buyer hires you, they’ll notify you through chat and we’ll also send you an email notification alerting you that you’ve been hired by a buyer.

What happens after a buyer has hired you?

After you’ve been hired by a buyer, the next thing to do is create an invoice for the buyer based on the number of units and the amount you’re charging per unit. The invoice carries the total amount the buyer will pay you. You are usually expected to send the buyer the payment invoice after you’ve generated it.

Please note: It is very important to always generate this invoice, as it will serve as evidence of how much you have agreed with your buyer and what units of gig you are to deliver.

As an exclusive, see How To Withdraw Your Money From Your WritersGig Dashboard.

Now let’s share the main thought that brought us here: how to view your submitted proposals on WritersGig.

How to view your submitted proposals on WritersGig: Full Guide

Once you are fully registered on the platform, you’ll start seeing so many enticing offers that’ll lure you. And you are definitely going to start applying for them; you are going to start writing proposals to the prospective buyers.

So we want to, in this section, show you how you can view or revisit proposals you’ve sent out to buyers. This could be for reference purposes or for some other reasons that could be personal to you.

The process is very straightforward. Just follow very closely.

Steps to view your proposals on WritersGig

  1. Go to your dashboard. Here is what your dashboard should look like.

Once you have clicked on your dashboard, the window above is what opens for you.

2. After your dashboard opens, look to your upper right-hand corner and place your pointer where you have your profile picture. A pop-up list will show up. Gently scroll down to where you have ‘Proposals’ and click on it.

Here is what it looks like:

3. When you click on the ‘Proposals’ option, another window opens for you. Here is where you find all the proposals you made to buyers’ offers.

You can click on any of them to either reply to a message or take any other action, depending on what you want. That’s very simple. Isn’t it?

This is just how to view your proposals.

See also: How to Preview a Submitted Content on WritersGig

FAQS on how to view your submitted proposals on WritersGig

What is a proposal on WritersGig?

A proposal on WritersGig is likened to a sale copy that allows you to use persuasive words to market and sell yourself and your skills to a prospective buyer. This is usually done on an offer they’ve created.

Steps to view your proposals on WritersGig

Go to your dashboard
look to your upper right-hand corner and place your pointer where you have your profile picture.
click on the ‘Proposals’ option,

How to find a buyer on WritersGig

There are basically two ways to find someone to buy your services on WritersGig. A buyer can either contact you by themselves if they find your gig interesting or you can send them a proposal on an offer they’ve created.


If you are not sure how to register on our platform, read How to Register as a Buyer or Writer on WritersGig. It is a guide that has been written to help you register, either as a writer or a buyer.

You can also read our article on 15 Productive Apps for Freelance Writers to learn how to scale up your productivity and, ultimately, your earnings as a freelance writer this year.

We hope this article aptly answers your questions. So we do hope you have a great time on your journey here. If there’s anything else that isn’t clear to you yet, see How to Contact the Writersgig Admin Fast.

Good Luck!!!

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