17 Responsibilities of a Freelance Writer You Should Know

There are core responsibilities freelance writer or writers need to adopt. These responsibilities form a good background for a freelance writer to thrive in a competitive industry.

Freelancing has exploded in popularity in recent years, with over 57 million Americans working as freelancers in 2023 according to Upwork.

This surge is fueled by the desire for greater autonomy, flexible work hours, and the freedom to choose projects that ignite passion.

One of the most sought-after freelance careers within this landscape is freelance writing, offering diverse opportunities across various sectors.

However, before embarking on this exciting journey, it’s crucial to understand the key responsibilities that come with being a freelance writer.

This comprehensive guide delves into 17 crucial responsibilities you must be prepared for as you navigate the world of freelance writing:

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing refers to the practice of working as an independent contractor or self-employed individual, rather than being employed by a company or organization on a long-term basis.

Freelancers offer their professional services to businesses, agencies, or individuals on a project-by-project basis.

This mode of work allows for a flexible schedule and the freedom to choose clients and projects according to one’s skills, interests, and availability.

Freelancers are self-employed professionals who work independently on a project-to-project basis, allowing them the flexibility to choose their work environment and schedule.

They have the freedom to work from home or any non-traditional workspace, giving them a better work/life balance. This arrangement offers diverse opportunities and allows individuals to pursue their passions while earning income.

Additionally, freelancing enables individuals to develop a wide range of skills by working on various projects across different industries.

Overall, freelancing provides a unique and liberating work experience that caters to individual preferences and lifestyles.

17 Responsibilities of a Freelance Writer You Should Know

Responsibilities of a Freelance Writer

1. Research and Content Creation

  • Researching topics: In-depth research is the backbone of any strong writing piece. Freelance writers must be adept at gathering information from reliable sources, analyzing data, and synthesizing complex topics into clear and concise writing.
  • Content creation: Whether crafting blog posts, website copy, articles, or other content formats, freelance writers must translate research and information into engaging and informative pieces that resonate with the target audience.

2. Client Communication and Management

  • Active communication: Building strong relationships with clients is essential for success. This involves active communication, keeping clients informed of progress, adhering to deadlines, and being responsive to questions and feedback.
  • Client management: Freelance writers often juggle multiple clients and projects. Effective client management skills ensure all commitments are met, deadlines are adhered to, and expectations are consistently exceeded.

3. Time Management and Organization

  • Self-discipline: Without a structured work environment, self-discipline is crucial. Freelance writers must manage their time efficiently, prioritize tasks, and set realistic deadlines to ensure project completion.
  • Organization: Keeping track of project details, invoices, and deadlines is essential. Utilizing time management tools and maintaining organized records can significantly elevate your freelance journey.

4. Marketing and Business Development

  • Marketing yourself: As a freelance writer, you are your own brand. Develop a compelling online presence through a professional website or portfolio showcasing your skills and experience. Utilize social media platforms to connect with potential clients and market your services effectively.
  • Networking and business development: Building relationships with potential clients is key to securing work. Attend industry events, network online, and actively seek out opportunities that align with your expertise and interests.

5. Financial Management and Taxes

  • Managing finances: Freelance writing income can fluctuate. Develop a budgeting system to track income and expenses, ensuring financial stability and preparedness for potential slow periods.
  • Understanding taxes: As a freelancer, you are responsible for managing your own taxes. Understand your tax obligations and set aside a portion of your income for tax payments. Consider consulting a financial advisor for guidance.

6. Continuous Learning and Development

  • Staying updated: The writing landscape is constantly evolving. Commit to continual learning by attending workshops, taking online courses, or reading industry publications. Stay abreast of current trends, SEO best practices, and writing techniques to remain competitive.
  • Honing your skills: Continuously hone your writing skills through practice, seeking feedback, and exploring new writing styles. Participate in writing exercises, join critique groups, and consider investing in professional writing courses to refine your craft.

7. Self-motivation and Resilience

  • Self-motivation: As a freelancer, you are primarily responsible for driving your own success. Develop strong self-motivation skills to stay focused, overcome challenges, and maintain momentum throughout your writing journey.
  • Resilience: The freelance life is not without its challenges. There may be periods of low income, rejections, and unforeseen hurdles. Develop resilience to bounce back from setbacks, learn from mistakes, and persist through difficulties.

8. Adaptability and Versatility

  • Adapting to different styles: Freelance writers may be required to adapt their writing style to cater to various clients and project requirements. Be prepared to write in different voices, tones, and formats while maintaining your unique writing style.
  • Embracing new opportunities: Be open to exploring new writing niches and diverse project types that expand your skillset and challenge your creativity. Embrace opportunities to learn new things and expand your writing horizons.

9. Negotiation and Setting Rates

  • Negotiating rates: As you gain experience and build your portfolio, confidently negotiate your rates to ensure fair compensation. Research industry standards, assess project complexity, and present your value proposition to clients effectively.
  • Setting boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between your work and personal life is crucial. Communicate your availability to clients and stick to your schedule to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
    • Understanding contracts: Familiarize yourself with basic contract law and the key elements of freelance writing contracts. This includes understanding terms like scope of work, payment terms, ownership rights, and revision policies.
    • Seeking legal advice: When dealing with complex contracts or unfamiliar legal territory, consider consulting with an attorney specializing in freelance contracts. Their guidance can protect your interests and ensure you enter into fair and secure agreements.

    11. Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas

    • Maintaining ethical standards: Upholding ethical principles is crucial in freelance writing. This includes avoiding plagiarism, accurately representing your skills and experience, and being transparent about potential conflicts of interest with clients.
    • Fact-checking and accuracy: Ensure the accuracy and veracity of all information you present in your writing. Verify facts with reliable sources, cite your references properly, and avoid spreading misinformation.

    12. Website and Technology Management

    • Maintaining a website: Having a professional website is crucial for showcasing your portfolio, expertise, and contact information to potential clients. Invest in a user-friendly website, keep it updated, and ensure its functionality across various devices.
    • Understanding essential tools: Familiarize yourself with essential writing and productivity tools relevant to freelance writing. This might include project management software, grammar checkers, plagiarism detection tools, and research databases.

    13. Pitching and Proposal Writing

    • Crafting compelling pitches: When seeking new projects, be prepared to write captivating pitches that effectively communicate your value proposition and convince clients to hire you. Tailor your pitches to each client’s specific needs and highlight your relevant experience and expertise.
    • Writing strong proposals: Writing persuasive proposals can help you secure larger projects or ongoing collaborations. Learn how to structure a compelling proposal, outline your approach, highlight your qualifications, and present a competitive rate.

    14. Dealing with Client Feedback and Revisions

    • Receiving feedback professionally: Be open to receiving constructive feedback from clients and view it as an opportunity to improve your work. Actively listen to their suggestions, ask clarifying questions, and incorporate valuable feedback into your revisions while maintaining respectful communication.
    • Managing revisions effectively: Establish clear revision policies with clients upfront, outlining the number of revisions included and any associated fees. Manage revisions efficiently to avoid scope creep and ensure timely project completion.

    15. Dealing with Rejection and Competition

    • Handling rejection: Rejection is an inevitable part of the freelance writing life. Learn to handle rejection professionally, analyze feedback to improve future pitches, and maintain a positive and persistent attitude.
    • Staying competitive: The freelance writing market is competitive. Continuously improve your skills, network actively, and refine your marketing strategies to stay ahead of the competition and secure high-quality projects.

    16. Self-Care and Maintaining Work-Life Balance

    • Prioritizing well-being: As a freelancer, prioritizing your well-being is essential to prevent burnout and maintain long-term success. Take regular breaks, engage in physical activity, and establish healthy work-life boundaries.
    • Combating isolation: Working remotely can lead to feelings of isolation. Connect with fellow freelance writers online or in person, participate in industry events, and build a support network to combat isolation and maintain a sense of community.

    17. Patience and Persistence

    • Building a successful freelance career takes time and dedication. Be patient, and persistent, and continuously strive to learn and improve. Celebrate your milestones, don’t give up on your goals, and keep pushing forward with a positive and resilient attitude.

    What are The Top 10 Profitable Freelancing Jobs Online?

    While profitability in freelancing depends on various factors like experience, niche, and work ethic, here are 10 popular online freelancing jobs with the potential for high earnings:

    1. Web Developer: With the ever-growing demand for a strong online presence, skilled web developers are in high demand. They can build and maintain websites, integrate functionalities, and ensure smooth user experience, commanding competitive rates.
    2. Content Writer: Creating engaging and informative content for websites, blogs, and marketing materials is a highly sought-after skill. Experienced content writers specializing in specific niches like finance, technology, or healthcare can command premium rates.
    3. SEO Specialist: Businesses leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve their online visibility. Skilled SEO specialists can analyze, optimize, and implement strategies to enhance website ranking, making them valuable assets and earning competitive pay.
    4. Social Media Manager: Managing social media presence has become crucial for businesses. Social media managers create engaging content, manage online communities, and run targeted ads, potentially earning high fees based on the size and reach of the managed accounts.
    5. Data Analyst: Businesses rely on data to make informed decisions. Data analysts clean, analyze, and interpret data to extract valuable insights, commanding high salaries as their skills are crucial for strategic decision-making.
    6. Graphic Designer: Businesses and individuals need compelling visuals for various purposes. Skilled graphic designers create logos, illustrations, marketing materials, and user interfaces, potentially earning good rates based on their experience and project complexity.
    7. Project Manager: Leading and coordinating projects effectively is essential in various industries. Freelance project managers ensure project completion within budget and timeline, receiving competitive fees based on the project scope and their expertise.
    8. Virtual Assistant: Businesses and individuals often seek virtual assistants for administrative tasks like scheduling appointments, managing emails, and data entry. While hourly rates may vary, experienced virtual assistants with specialized skills can command higher fees.
    9. Video Editor: As video content consumption rises, skilled video editors are in demand to create engaging and impactful videos for marketing, advertising, and social media purposes. Their rates can vary based on project complexity and editing expertise.
    10. Copywriter: Skilled copywriters craft persuasive and compelling marketing copy for websites, ads, and other marketing materials. They can specialize in areas like email marketing, product descriptions, or website copywriting, potentially earning high fees based on their niche and experience.

    This list serves as a starting point, and the most profitable freelancing job depends on your skills, interests, and market demand.

    Researching, investing in skill development, and consistently delivering high-quality work is key to success and increasing your earning potential in the dynamic world of online freelancing.

    How Much Do Freelance Writers Make?

    Responsibilities of a Freelance Writer

    The earning potential for freelance writers varies widely depending on several factors such as experience, specialization, industry, and geographic location.

    However, here’s a general overview of how much freelance writers can make:

    1. Per-Word Rates:

    • Beginner Freelance Writers: $0.05 – $0.10 per word
    • Intermediate Freelance Writers: $0.10 – $0.25 per word
    • Experienced Freelance Writers: $0.25 – $0.50 per word
    • Expert Freelance Writers: $0.50 – $1.00 per word

    2. Per-Project Rates:

    • Short Articles (500-1000 words): $50 – $200
    • Blog Posts (1000-2000 words): $100 – $500
    • Whitepapers (2000-3000 words): $500 – $1000
    • Ebooks (3000+ words): $1000 – $5000

    3. Hourly Rates:

    • Beginner Freelance Writers: $15 – $25 per hour
    • Intermediate Freelance Writers: $25 – $50 per hour
    • Experienced Freelance Writers: $50 – $75 per hour
    • Expert Freelance Writers: $75 – $100+ per hour

    Remember, these rates are just estimates and can vary significantly based on the factors mentioned earlier.

    Additionally, freelance writers may also earn royalties or additional income from their work, such as through affiliate marketing or sponsored content.


    The above listed are core responsibilities freelance writers need to be at home with to make a good career in the online business.

    These responsibilities form a good background for a freelance writer.

    Most importantly, enrolling in a freelance writing career opens doors to freedom, flexibility, and a fulfilling creative outlet.

    However, it’s crucial to understand the responsibilities that come with the territory.

    But you must equip yourself with the necessary skills, knowledge, and unwavering dedication, so you can navigate the freelance writing space successfully and carve your own path to success and creative fulfillment.


      Do I need a degree to become a freelance writer?

      While a degree is not mandatory, strong writing skills, research capabilities, and relevant experience are crucial for success.

      Is freelance writing a good career choice?

      It can be a rewarding career path for individuals who enjoy writing, self-directed work, and the flexibility to manage their own schedules. However, it requires discipline, resilience, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt.

      How do I find freelance writing jobs?

      There are numerous platforms available, including online job boards, freelance marketplaces, content agencies, and even reaching out directly to potential.


        • https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/freelancer.asp
