7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Rhetorical Writing In Africa

Rhetoric writing is the art of using language persuasively to influence an audience’s beliefs, emotions, or actions. Writers adopt this technique to craft compelling arguments, enhance the impact of their messages, and effectively communicate their ideas in various contexts, from speeches to advertisements.

To hire the best rhetoric writers, it is essential to seek professionals with a proven track record, a strong understanding of rhetorical principles, and the ability to tailor their writing to specific audiences. Utilizing reputable freelance platforms like WritersGig and reviewing portfolios can help in selecting skilled writers for your project.

In this article, we’ll look at the best websites to hire freelancers for rhetorical writing in Africa; carefully read through.

What Is Rhetorical Writing?

Rhetoric writing is the use of language that’s carefully constructed to persuade, motivate, or inform the reader or listener about the speaker or writer’s position. You might have heard the term used in discussions about politicians and political goals. That’s because politicians, alongside people in other roles that involve public speaking, employ rhetoric regularly. In fact, the word “rhetoric” comes from the Greek “rhetorikos,” which means “oratory.”

This form of writing requires an understanding and control of language and knowledge of culture; the rhetorical situation which includes the purpose, audience, topic, writer, context, genre; and other aspects to achieve an intended purpose. In many cases, rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) can also contribute to this intended purpose.

Why Is Rhetoric Important In Writing?

Rhetoric is important because it is the use of language to convince people, resolve conflicts, and reach a specific target audience. Whether you’re giving a political speech, arguing in court, writing an academic essay, or pitching a new product or idea, understanding the fundamentals of rhetoric can help you make your point. It can also help you identify the tools that other rhetoricians use, allowing you to debate or replicate them.

Using rhetoric makes the writing process effective, and reflects your capabilities as a writer, persuader, and logician. Using rhetoric is an art everyone should master.

What are the 3 Types of Rhetoric?

The concept of rhetoric dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Aristotle puts forward some very intelligent arguments. In his argument, he talks of three appeals (or three divisions of rhetorical appeals) that are very effective for public speaking, writing and persuasion. These are logospathos, and ethos.

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Logos (or Logic)

This is what Aristotle claims to be the logical appeal of the argument. It uses cause and effect, data, facts, and evidence to back up an argument. In philosophy, logic has a distinct branch in which premises are established and supported by supporting arguments. These are called syllogisms.

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Pathos (or Emotion)

This represents the argument’s emotional appeal. It uses the audience’s emotions, sentiments, and morality to deliver a compelling argument. Pathos allows readers to engage with the text on a deeper level and is commonly utilized in commercials to market a specific product. It is commonly employed by writers and media to encourage readers or viewers to invest in themselves.

Ethos (or Credibility)

Ethos establishes credibility for the writer. Why will readers read you? What qualifies you as an expert in the subject matter on which you write? Ethos is the process of establishing or confirming your status as a subject matter expert. This may involve declaring your further education, life experiences, work history, and any other resources that can help you establish yourself as a reputable writer.

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7 Best Websites to Hire Freelancers for Rhetorical Writing in Africa

Here’s a list of the best websites to hire freelancers for rhetorical writing in Africa:

1. WritersGig

WritersGig has meticulously curated a network of professional writers with extensive experience in various types of rhetorical writing. It is the best freelance platform for Africans with qualified rhetoric writers.

As a buyer, you’ll experience seamless collaboration through our user-friendly platform. From initial briefings to revisions, our unique interface makes every process easy, allowing you to focus on achieving your professional writing objectives.

As a writer, you can work with a free mind knowing that the platform works with an escrow payment system where your payment is secured. The buyer cannot receive your work and refuses to make payment. 

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2. Truelancer

Truelancer is a curated freelance marketplace with thousands of top-rated professional writers in Nigeria. On Truelancer you will find and hire freelance professionals offering their expertise in various freelancing writing services.

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3. The Writer Finder

The Writer Finder is an online resource that connects clients with the best rhetorical writers. Whether it’s an academic essay, a story, or a politician seeking help with a political speech, the Writer Finder can forge these relationships and create a win-win scenario for both parties.

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4. Freelancer.com

Freelancer.com is another freelancing site in Nigeria that connects employers with rhetorical writers. It provides a platform for both freelancers and employers to find each other.

Freelancer is not just focused on connecting people who need help with people who are willing to help; they also offer tools for employers like job boards, project management software, payment processing services, and more

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5. Fiverr

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly freelance rhetorical writer, Fiverr is the ideal place. The marketplace for freelancers on Fiverr is huge, so you can easily find expert writers for various types of writing services.

On Fiverr, you can easily pick the best freelance rhetorical writer for your needs. You can use advanced filters to search for rhetorical writers. Once you find a good fit, you can check out the qualifications and customer reviews on their profile.

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6. Kolabtree

Kolabtree is an online marketplace for rhetorical experts. Post your project, get bids, and hire qualified experts quickly and easily.

To select the right expert for the job, you will receive detailed proposals directly from Kolabtree. These proposals will include a comprehensive Statement of Work (SOW), project fees, milestones, and deadlines.

7. PeoplePerHour

On PeoplePerHour you will find quality freelance rhetoric writers who know the job. Here, freelancers complete work quickly and at a set price.

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FAQs On Rhetoric Writing

What is rhetoric writing?

Rhetoric writing is the art of using language effectively and persuasively to communicate a message. It involves crafting arguments, speeches, essays, and other forms of communication to influence an audience’s thoughts, beliefs, or actions.

Why is rhetoric important?

Rhetoric in writing is important because it helps in effectively conveying ideas and persuading others. It is a critical skill in various fields, including politics, marketing, education, and law, enabling individuals to present their arguments convincingly.

What is the difference between rhetoric and persuasive writing?

Rhetoric encompasses all aspects of persuasion, including the use of language, strategies, and devices to influence an audience. Persuasive writing specifically refers to the act of writing to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action.


Rhetorical writing aims for persuasion, information, or a simple good argument. It can be the persuasion of the writer’s point of view, or a political agenda, or an appeal for justice. Hiring a freelance rhetoric writer makes the writing process effective, and gives the project a professional touch.


  • grammarly.com – What Is Rhetoric: Meaning & History of Persuasive Communication
  • bestwriting.com – Rhetoric in Writing (Definition, How To Write + Examples)

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