How to Write an Application Letter to a Hospital as a Nurse in Nigeria

Nurses are the saviors we see! They’re super heroes!

And in the Nigeran healthcare sector, you should rather be friendly with them for their heroism to be evident.

Jobs are quite competitive and your application letter should stand out if you even want a chance to be considered for an interview.

This article will point you exactly to what you need to do. It was written to be a concise guide on how to write an application letter to a hospital for a job as a Nurse in Nigeria.

How to Write an Application Letter to a Hospital as a Nurse in Nigeria

Follow these steps to write an application Letletter a hospital a Nurse in Nigeria.

See also: How to Write an Application Letter to a School as a Student

1. Introduce yourself

Write a concise letter. If you’re applying for a position as an emergency department unit nurse, for example, let your first statement be strong enough to convince someone. Highlight your field experience and qualifications.

For example,

I have ten years of experience in emergency medicine, three years of which were spent as a charge nurse. I have a master’s degree in nursing and have worked with some of the most difficult and traumatic patients that the hospital has ever admitted.

My demonstrated ability to lead and inspire healthcare teams qualifies me for the available position. I’m excited to learn how I can capitalize on these advantages to continue providing the exceptional patient care that your hospital is known for.

2. Explain your experiences and skills

Your letter should introduce your application rather than repeating it. Choose a few key qualifications from the job description and explain how you can meet those requirements.

For example, if the employer emphasized the importance of strong leadership qualities in the advertisement, include your past position as vice president of your state’s nursing association.

Employers are eager to hire nurses who are culturally aware and sincerely value diversity. If the position requires you to work with patients from various backgrounds, share your knowledge and experience.

For example,

In my previous role, more than half of the hospital patients were immigrants with limited English skills. Many of them were terrified and bewildered. To facilitate follow-up therapy, I worked with the public relations department to translate our health information booklets into languages commonly spoken in our neighborhood.

3. Show Your Interest in the Hospital

Insist that the role and hospital are intriguing to you because you believe they are a good fit for your skills, interests, and professional goals. Stress that you are not looking for just any employment but the one that matches your professional goal.

Mention how you were impressed with the hospital’s recent innovation award and how excited you are to learn from the world-class medical experts there.

For example,

Cardiology has always sparked my interest, and I would like to work at a facility like yours that uses cutting-edge therapy to increase patient survival rates and quality of life.

Working with the clinic’s internationally renowned cancer specialists would be a privilege.

See also: How To Write An Application Letter For a Teaching Job in Nigeria?

4. Address the Needs of the Employer

Be careful to link each skill or qualification you include to the position you’re applying for. This is called peaking in benefits.

For example, many positions require applicants who can work well in a team and prioritize patients. When defining yourself, provide specific examples of your leadership talents and pleasure of teamwork rather than general phrases like “people person.”


Because the surgical team needs to coordinate and prioritize the patient during an operation, my communication skills will be useful in my role as a surgical nurse.

One of my management accomplishments has been a 33 percent increase in nurse retention over the past two years. I am confident that I can help your group in the same way.

NB: If you noticed, we didn’t include the addresses and opening formalities because we want you to concentrate on the important aspects of an application letter for a nurse, get t right and the job is yours.

Tips For Writing An Application Letter To A Hospital As A Nurse

When writing your nursing application letter to a hospital, keep the following in mind:

Keep it relevant

Before you start to write an application letter to a hospital as a nurse, thoroughly review the job description to determine the experiences, skills, and qualifications the hiring manager prioritizes. Explain your previous responsibilities and accomplishments that are relevant to this particular nursing position.

Conduct investigations

To demonstrate your genuine interest in working there, you should become acquainted with the organization’s culture and structure.

Make an effort to align your professional values and goals with the objectives of the hospital and the people it serves.

See also: How to Write an Informal Letter in Nigeria | Format, Samples, and Tips

Do not overlook soft skills

In your application letter to a hospital as a nurse in training in Nigeria, you should discuss both your technical and soft skills as a nurse.

Share stories about how you use interpersonal, time management, and communication skills—all-important soft skills—to effectively interact with patients and team members throughout the day.

Check for errors

Finally, it is vital to demonstrate your attention to detail by ensuring that the application letter to a hospital as a nurse contains no errors. Before submitting the paper, be sure to proofread it thoroughly.

Common Errors to Avoid in Writing an Application Letter to a Hospital as a Nurse in Nigeria

Giving false information in your application letter can lead to legal action. It can stop you from being employed.

Some common errors to avoid when writing an application letter to a hospital as a nurse include;


There are many difficult and unpredictable spellings in the nursing profession. For example, even if you’re excellent at handling arrhythmias, can you spell them correctly? Typos in your application letter will give the hiring manager the idea that you are not detail-oriented, which is an important quality in a nurse.

Putting excessive emphasis on oneself

Forbes believes that this is another common blunder to avoid.

People frequently try to list all their accomplishments in ways that aren’t directly relevant to how they can help the hospital. A strategic application letter is what you want, and it should include a list of ways you can help the hospital.


Your application letter to a hospital as a nurse in Nigeria, whether in training or not must be truthful. Finally, the truth will be disclosed. I believe that honesty is the best policy.

Signing the letter to the wrong recipient

This is an unpardonable mistake. At this point, the HR manager or recruiter will most likely stop reading.

Rewriting your resume

Your application letter is different from a resume and a cover letter, do not merge the documents in an application letter.

Using a Different Font for Your Application Letter

While this may seem like a little touch, using the same font for both your application letter and resume/cover letter shows your attention to detail.

See also: How To Write An Application Letter to a Hotel in Nigeria With No Experience

How To Write An Application Letter For A Hospital Job As A Nurse Template

Application Letter for Nurse Position in Nigeria

This is a template from that you will fill out the information.

Your Full Name

Phone Number

Email Address


Hospital Name

Hospital Address

Dear [Hiring Manager name] (if known) or Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Registered Nurse (RN) position advertised on [Website name] (or “as recommended by [name of person who recommended you]”).

As a [state your experience level – e.g., passionate and dedicated Registered Nurse] with [number] years of experience in [mention relevant areas of experience], I am confident that I possess the skills and qualifications necessary to excel in this role and contribute significantly to your esteemed hospital.

In my previous role at [Previous Hospital Name], I [ Briefly mention 2-3 key achievements or skills used that are relevant to the advertised position]. I am proficient in [List relevant skills – e.g., vital signs monitoring, medication administration, wound care, patient education]. I am also a highly motivated and compassionate individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, allowing me to effectively collaborate with doctors, other healthcare professionals, and patients from diverse backgrounds.

I am interested in working at [Hospital Name] because of [ Briefly mention what attracts you to the hospital – e.g., its reputation for excellent patient care, its focus on a specific area of medicine, its commitment to the community]. I believe my dedication to patient care and strong work ethic align perfectly with your hospital’s values.

I have attached my CV for your review, which further details my qualifications and experience. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached by phone at [Phone Number] or by email at [Email Address].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]

How To Write An Application Letter To A Hospital Job As A Nurse in Nigeria

Sample 1:

Pitogo, Ma. Hazel M.

3992 Int. 27 V. Mapa St.,

Sta. Mesa, Metro Manila,


Date: 24th November, 2000

Personnel Administration Department,

St. Luke’s Medical Center

279 E. Rodriguez Sr. Boulevard,

Quezon City, 1112 Philippines

Dear Ma’am/Sir

I’m responding to your advertisement in the local Employment News for a Registered Nurse (RN). I consider that my credentials and interests match with your requirement and want to apply for the same position.

I have experience as a Registered Nurse (RN) and Nursing for the last four years, working with other Registered Nurses (RN) with tasks and responsibilities focusing on developing and managing nursing care plans, instructing patients and their families in proper care, and helping individuals and groups take steps to improve or maintain their health ( see my resume for the detail). Inevitably, a well-trained and professional Registered Nurse (RN) is highly needed to the growth and integrity of any Department. I believe I am the one who has the skill set and experience you’re looking for.

You may be interviewing other potential Registered Nurses (RN) but I hope you will not make a final decision until I can talk about this job with you and show you what I can bring to it. Please, reach out to me with my details attached to set up an interview at your convenience. Thank you for considering my application. I’m really looking forward to meeting you.

Sincerely Yours,

Pitogo, Ma. Hazel M.

Phone number

Email address


1. Resume

2. Letter of appreciation

3. Letter of recommendation

Sample 2:

Aisha Buhari

No. 2 St. IkaRoad, Idumota Lagos

0803 456 7890

20th June, 2025

Lagos State University Teaching Hospital

Ikeja, Lagos

Dear Dr. Ademilola,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Registered Nurse (RN) position advertised on Jobs in Nigeria website.

With 5 years of experience as a dedicated and compassionate Registered Nurse, I am confident I possess the skills and experience you seek. In my previous role at Mercy Hospital, I played a key role in implementing a new electronic health record system, which significantly improved patient care efficiency. I also consistently received high marks from patients for my compassionate bedside manner and clear communication skills. My expertise lies in vital signs monitoring, medication administration, wound care, and patient education.

I am a highly motivated individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I can effectively collaborate with doctors, other healthcare professionals, and patients from all walks of life. By God’s grace, I am also a strong team player who thrives in a fast-paced environment and goes the extra mile to ensure quality patient care.

Lagos State Teaching Hospital’s reputation for excellent patient care and commitment to the community deeply resonates with me. I believe my dedication to patient well-being and commitment to hard work aligns perfectly with your hospital’s values.

I have attached my CV for your review, which further details my qualifications and experience. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached by phone at 0803 456 7890 or by email at

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.


Aisha Buhari


Nurses are highly sought after, especially the good ones. Do you want to learn how to how to write an application letter to a hospital as a nurse in Nigeria and get the job? Follow the tips in this article for that extra touch.


  • Incredible health – how to write an application letter to a hospital as a nurse in Nigeria
  • Indeed – how to write an application letter to a hospital as a nurse in Nigeria

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