How To Become a Food Writer in Less Time

Cooking requires a specific set of skills that are quite different from writing. For this reason, a good chef cannot pass off as a good writer, although one person can possess both skills simultaneously.

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According to One More Cup of Coffee, all food bloggers have a chance at earning lots of moo-lah as long as they can grow a decent amount of monthly traffic to

their blogs. The top food bloggers in the industry are earning well over $50,000–100,000 per month just from food blogging.

However, if you don’t possess any culinary experience and only want to spend your time writing about food, you can become a food writer. Yes! It’s a highly valuable skill that only a few people possess today. And this article will show you the entire process in a simple format.

Who is a Food Writer?

A food writer or restaurant critic is a professional writer who writes samples and drops reviews about foods. While a food writer basically journeys through different restaurants, their core aim is to discover and outline their judgment of the restaurant’s cuisine.

As a food writer, you might not start off with a high paycheck. Frequently, novice food critics start by submitting unpaid reviews simply to get a byline and build their portfolio of published works. Some other food critics get their start simply by posting about their food and dining experiences on social media.

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Many of the big shots in the food critic’s business are the ones going on the tours. Some of these professionals have their own YouTube channels and television shows and have published their own books. In the food critic business, you can write for magazines, newspapers, and blogs.

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What Skills Do I Need to Become a Food Writer?

If you want to become a food writer on a professional level, you will need to gain certain skills that will help you scale easily. Although some of these skills might require you to take certain programs, others are very easy to develop.

Hence, the skills include:

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  • Excellent oral communication skills
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Degree in Journalism (Optional)
  • Great sense of smell and taste
  • Cooking Knowledge

What is the Salary of a Food Writer?

Food writers get a standard remuneration after they’ve rendered their services. Although you can work as a freelancer and charge the blog per content you create or agree to a contract with, you can also work with a food agency.

According to ZipRecruiter, food writers earn about $49,041 /year in salaries. However, this is exclusive to all additional bonuses and tips they can receive from their place of assignment or where they function.

On the other hand, you can charge 6 cents a word on the low end, up to as much as $3. But if you aren’t comfortable with this style of agreement, you can agree to a contractual fee.

How To Become a Food Writer in Less Time

Food writing is interesting, especially when you’re personally involved in the process. Although cooking can be an added advantage in helping you know the right terminologies you can use, you also need to learn how to communicate them with ink.

To become a food writer in less time, you need to:

Build Interest And Knowledge

Food writing is not a program you can find in any higher institution. For this reason, venturing into this line of work demands that you show peculiar interest and passion for the level of stress associated with pursuing this career path.

To build your interest, you can start by reading the reviews of already established food writers. You can watch and subscribe to their TV shows and channels, respectively, to remain updated with their works.

Furthermore, you can start trying out cuisine in different local restaurants (if you have the budget) and start making certain commentary on the service style and the food in general.

Go for Internship

If you’re inexperienced in any craft, it is difficult to scale in your chosen career path. You would likely miss out on opportunities that would have helped you scale faster and establish yourself among the experts.

Finding an internship opportunity is not so much of a challenge because of the many opportunities that are scattered all over. You only need to pivot your search to the firms within your physical location and send out applications to them.

Choose Your Niche

There are distinct classes of food, and there are thousands of cuisines as well. To become an expert in all these cuisines is no small feat and will require a lot of work (that isn’t completely necessary, especially when you don’t have a huge team.)

If you’re starting out in your journey to become a food writer, then you need to niche down to a particular set of foods that you will critique. Although you might have a niche, you might momentarily criticize other foods.

Write and Get Reviews

Anyone who has become a successful food writer is actually the food writer who writes. In food writing, you get better at the skill by constantly writing about your unique experience with different cuisines in many locations.

Writing is the core of the job, but after writing, you would need to get reviews regarding your disposition from your readers. Your readers can also comment on their thoughts, which will help bring engagement to your blog, magazine, etc.

How to become a Freelance Food Writer

Find your food writing niche

A niche is described as a specialized market area for a certain type of product or service. The word “food writing” is broad. We must focus on a certain topic while building a niche, such as desserts, quick dinners, Italian food, or cocktails.

Consider the types of food and food-related themes you are interested in to find the best area for you. Next, choose one about which you are enthusiastic and will always be interested in writing or talking. You may continue once you have it.

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Decide to start a food blog

Now that you’ve defined your subject, you can start writing about it. Starting your food blog is the most efficient way to have your material published for readers to read.

There are other blogging platforms to select from, but after trying a couple, WordPress is my personal best. While the free edition is an option, I think the premium version is the superior decision. I wanted to be able to post professional-looking items on my website by using a recipe plug-in. Unfortunately, the premium version is the only one that includes the WP Recipe plug-in.

Publishers, book agents, and magazine editors will probably read your food blog, so check each piece with Grammarly (which gives a free version).

Create that writing portfolio

Although it may appear challenging, building a writing portfolio does not have to be. Contact other food bloggers and online food magazines and offer to write a free piece for their publication. You did read that right. Develop your writing skills for free to grow your portfolio.

Once you’ve written two or three pieces for other websites, set up a page on your blog to showcase your freelance writing portfolio. This will come in handy when sending your ideas to for-profit websites and publications. You can send them a link to your portfolio of independent work, which includes links to every piece you’ve ever written. Remember to include a link to your food blog, too!

Make the first pitch for your ideas

The fun part is about to start. After you’ve built your freelance writing portfolio, you may begin submitting your pieces to websites, magazines, and newspapers.

Your best bet is to look online for cooking magazines that accept proposals. Speak with the local media to see if they would be interested in printing an article you wrote on food.

Reach out to food-related websites and offer to write a guest piece or column. I’d rather compose an article or have thoughts for an article before making a pitch.

Never stop networking through your writing

Using social media to network your writing is important for getting it in front of readers, editors, and publishers.

When you send an item to your blog or another online publication, share the link with everyone on Facebook. Create a Facebook page for yourself as a food writer, tell all of your friends to follow it, and be sure to share links to your profile and articles from that page.

Create an Instagram account dedicated to food writing. Create a free Linktree for your bio with a list of all your social media sites. Include links to both your freelance writing resume and blog. When you share photographs or videos on Instagram, you may then urge followers to click the link in your bio to read your posts.

Twitter is a wonderful place for sharing your work. To ensure that your message reaches the right individuals, incorporate hashtags relevant to your subject.

How to become a Travel Food Writer

It sounds like a lovely dream to combine your passion for food and travel with a job as a travel food blogger!

This is a road map to help you along the way:

Hone your skills

Develop your writing skills through workshops, classes, or practice. Emphasize storytelling, using descriptive language, and communicating easily. Consult famous travel food writers for ideas.

Since food is mainly visual, capture its essence in eye-catching images. Either learn the fundamentals of food photography or think about working with a photographer.

While professional training is not required, understanding different foods and cooking techniques would help you come across as credible.

To further your understanding, think about taking classes in culinary history or cultural anthropology.

Identify your niche

Which types of travel are you most drawn to? Lush experiences, low-cost backpacking, or solo foodie adventures? Describe your ideal travel method to reach readers and publications that will be of interest.

Do you have a taste for fine dining, street cuisine, local delicacies, or sustainable eating methods? Discover your special place in the wide world of food.

Gain an in-depth understanding of countries or regions. Take in the local food, pick up some language, and get a sense of the way of life.

Develop your portfolio

Launch a website or blog. Display your work in writing, photos, and travel. Provide insightful articles, interact with users, and grow your following.

Submit articles to online publications in your niche, food blogs, and regional travel magazines. Create video reviews and snippets.

Participate in cuisine or travel writing contests to get publicity and respect.

Connect and network

Attend industry events to network with editors, leaders, and other travel food writers. Examples of these include food festivals, travel conferences, and blogger meetups.

Join in online classes, Facebook groups, or travel writing forums to meet and network with other like-minded people.

Make connections with people in the places you visit. Their observations can improve your work and lead to interesting encounters.

Market yourself

Create a compelling personal brand by showing your greatest work on a well-designed website or portfolio.

Participate on social media sites that are pertinent to your business.

Send out a pitch to your dream magazines

Continue to learn and grow. Keep up with the latest in writing styles, food trends, and trip trends.

Keep in mind that passion, devotion, and hard work are required for success in this career.

Discover your voice, have fun, and enjoy the journey.

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Food writing is really an interesting line of work. Although traveling and constantly moving around can be strenuous, if you’re really passionate about this line of work, you have an enormous market ahead of you.

All you need to do to start your journey is take the right steps towards a prolific career by following the rules outlined here.

FAQS on How To Become a Food Writer

How to become a Freelance Food Writer

Find your food writing niche
Decide to start a food blog
Create that writing portfolio
Make the first pitch for your ideas
Never stop networking through your writing

How to become a travel Food Writer

Hone your skills
Identify your niche
Develop your portfolio
Connect and network
Market yourself
Send out a pitch to your dream magazines



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