

Best Blog Post Format for Freelance Writers

Many of the clients you’ll work for as a freelance writer will require different blog post formats. And your ability to follow their format is what makes you a versatile writer. This article explains the main blog post formats your client will require. Actually, these are almost all the formats there are when it comes to blog […]


How to Write and Publish Your Poetry Book – WritersGig Blog

One of the greatest accomplishments of every poet is to publish his own poetry book. Many write but not many have the confidence to go the route of publishing. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Luckily, in this era, you don’t have to aim to become a bestseller to publish your poetry. Between traditional publishers, small presses, and


Analogy vs Metaphor: Understanding The Differences For Writers

Analogies and metaphors are powerful tools that writers use to make their writing more engaging and descriptive. However, many writers often confuse the two or use them incorrectly, leading to confusion in their storytelling. Understanding the differences between analogies and metaphors is essential for writers looking to effectively convey their ideas and evoke emotions in


When to Use ‘Whomever’: Navigating the Maze – WritersGig Blog

Whomever is a pronoun that means “whatever person” or “no matter who.”  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Whoever means exactly the same.  The English language is highly versatile and complex. Two words can have the same meaning but they cannot be used interchangeably.  Many English tutors will disagree with this statement but whoever and whomever are


When To Use Too or To: Simplifying These Tricky Twins

One of the most common grammar mistakes that people make is confusing the words “too” and “to.” While they may sound similar, they have very different meanings and uses in the English language. Understanding when to use each word can help you communicate more effectively and prevent embarrassing errors in your writing. Mastering the differences


When to Use There and Their: Unlocking the Mystery Behind Them

Some words sound alike but have different meanings. They’re called homophones.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Cite and sight, Flower and flour, Hole and whole are examples of homophones.  When these pair of words are spoken aloud, they sound exactly alike, while their spellings and meanings are different.  There and their are such words. Here’s a simple trick to remember their use. Here with


When to Use Ser and Estar: Understanding the Two ‘To Be’s in Spanish

The two forms of “to be” in Spanish are Ser and Estar. Unlike English, Spanish has two forms of the verb “to be”. “To be” is the really common verb that lets us say that “he is in the hot air balloon”, “they are fantastic socks”, or “I am a snappy dresser”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Before we go on to shed more light on the two forms

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