7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Shortstory Writing In Africa

Short story writing needs much more care; it needs the best hands. WritersGig has a large pool of creative writers who have mastered the art of transforming your ideas into stories that excite readers.

Short stories are a form of narrative writing that has all the same elements as novels—plot, character development, point of view, story structure, theme—but are delivered in fewer words.

For many employers and writers, short story writing can be daunting and almost impossible. Whether you are looking to write a fable, flash fiction, mini-saga, or any other type of short story writing, hiring a freelancer can be a cost-effective solution.

If you’re wondering where to hire short story freelancers, we’re here to help. Let’s get started!!!

What Is Shortstory Writing?

A short story is a brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters.

The short story is usually concerned with a single effect conveyed in only one or a few significant episodes or scenes. The form encourages economy of setting, concise narrative, and the omission of a complex plot; character is disclosed in action and dramatic encounters but is seldom fully developed.

A short story is a work of prose fiction that can be read in one sitting—usually between 20 minutes to an hour. There is no maximum length, but the average short story is 1,000 and 10,000 words, with some outliers reaching 15,000 words. At around 10 to 25 pages, that makes short stories much shorter than novels, with only a few approaching novella length.

How Long Should A Short Story Be?

Short stories typically contain between 1,000 and 10,000 words. Stories longer than 10,000 (but shorter than 40,000) words are generally considered novellas. You might even come across the term novelette to refer to a story between 7,500 and 17,000 words. Once you hit about 50,000 words, you’re in novel territory (and you’ve won NaNoWriMo!) 

Stories that clock in under 1,000 words are known as flash fiction and stories of 500 words or fewer are considered microfiction.

There’s really no limit to how short a story can be, though. Consider Hemingway’s famous six-word story: 

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

In just six words, Hemingway evokes an entire scene and the backstory that led to that scene. This is an extreme example of a short story, and it relies on the reader extrapolating meaning from the words, but because it does so successfully, it counts as a short story. 

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7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Short Story Writing

Here’s a list of websites to hire freelancers for short story writing in Africa:

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1. WritersGig

On WritersGig you will find a list of vetted short story writers with extensive experience in various types of short story writing. Whether you need a fable, flash fiction, or modernism, rest assured that every word is crafted by a seasoned writer.

With WritersGig, you’ll experience seamless collaboration through our user-friendly platform. From initial briefings to revisions, our unique interface makes every process easy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – achieving your informational objectives.

WritersGiig is one of the most widely recognized freelance platforms for Africans.

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Related Post: How to Register as a Buyer or Writer on WritersGig

2. Truelancer

Truelancer is a curated freelance marketplace with thousands of top-rated storywriters in Nigeria. On Truelancer you will find & hire creative writers who are professionals offering their expertise in various freelance informational writing Services to businesses near Nigeria and around the world.

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3. Upwork

On Upwork find both beginners and advanced short story writers. You can use filters to narrow down the candidates and find the ones that fit your niche and business needs.

You can search for writers based on their experience and how much they charge—including their fixed price and hourly rates.

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4. Fiverr

Fiverr is another one of the top freelancing sites where you can find prose writers. It provides a platform for both freelancers and employers to find each other and get what they need from each other.

Fiverr creative writers also offer story writing services.

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5. Guru

On guru.com freelance short story writers who have mastered the art of storytelling by articulating their ideas in the best way possible and the reader also can go through the words, to discover new meanings with each reading.

Once you start working on a project, you can keep your job on track and collaborate using the Work Room. Guru gives you tools to define milestones, set tasks, communicate with employers, share files, and agree upon payment schedules.

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6. Terawork

Terawork connects businesses directly with vetted storywriters. The platform gives you the best creative writers that will give life to your short story ideas.

The team of short story writers at Terawork helps manage everything concerning fiction writing to the letter. The platform allows you to work closely with a consulting partner to figure out your writing needs.

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7. Freelancer

If you are a publishing house or an author of a story compilation in need of a contributor, Freelancer.com has almost 700 creative writers from different countries all over the world.

On Freelancer clients pay only when they are 100% satisfied with the job.

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What Are The Elements of A Short Story

There’s no secret formula to writing a short story. However, a good short story will have most or all of the following elements:

  • A protagonist with a certain desire or need. The protagonist needs to want something they don’t have, otherwise they will not drive the story forward.
  • A clear dilemma. Ensure the freelancer understands you don’t need much backstory to see how the dilemma started; your main focus should be how the protagonist resolves it.
  • A decision. What does the protagonist do to resolve their dilemma?
  • A climax. In Freytag’s Pyramid, the climax of a story is when the tension reaches its peak, and the reader discovers the outcome of the protagonist’s decision(s).
  • An outcome. How does the climax change the protagonist? Are they a different person? Do they have a different philosophy or outlook on life?

Short stories, like any other form of fiction, incorporate essential elements such as setting, plot, and point of view. Understanding these elements in detail is beneficial. However, when crafting the framework of a short story for a freelance writer, these are the fundamental components you need to start with.

Typically, short stories do not include subplots. The narrative should remain tightly focused on a single, central storyline. Introducing subplots can distract from the main story or extend the length into a novella or novel territory.

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Why You Should Hire A Freelance Short Story Writer?

Hiring a freelance prose writer can bring a multitude of benefits to your project or business:

1. Expertise

Freelance story writers often specialize in various niches, from marketing copy to creative storytelling. You can find a writer with expertise in your specific industry or topic, ensuring high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

2. Flexibility

Freelancers offer flexibility in terms of project scope, deadlines, and working arrangements. Whether you need a one-time project or ongoing content support, you can find a writer who fits your needs.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Hiring a freelance short story writer can be more cost-effective than maintaining a full-time in-house writer or outsourcing to a content agency. You only pay for the work you need, without additional overhead costs.

4. Fresh Perspective

Freelancers bring fresh ideas and perspectives to your content strategy. They can offer insights and approaches that you might not have considered, helping to keep your content engaging and relevant.

FAQs On Websites To Hire Freelancers For Short Story Writing

Where can I hire short story writers in Africa?

You can hire freelance prose writers on platforms like WritersGig, Truelancer, Upwork, Guru, etc.

What is short story writing all about?

A short story is a brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters.

How long should a short story be?

Short stories typically contain between 1,000 and 10,000 words. Stories longer than 10,000 (but shorter than 40,000) words are generally considered novellas.


Short story freelancers are creative writers who are highly talented in creating stories that contain a vivid depiction of scenes and situations that run throughout the story with a short yet naturally flowing plot. They don’t just write short stories for the sake of writing them, they work based on your instruction and deliver within the said timeline.


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