When discussing with your friends on anything excessive, too, is usually the word that comes to mind.
Because it is used to emphasize the degree or extent of a thing, people think it is a preposition. Too is not a preposition.
This important little word is too important to be ignored.
We will teach you how to properly use “too” in sentences as a writer.
You will learn how to use “too” with countable and uncountable nouns, adverbs, and adjectives in this English lesson.
What Does Too Mean?
Too is an adverb that means “also” “excessively” or “very.” Since it is an adverb, it qualifies or modifies an adjective that follows it.
When to Use Too As a Writer in English
As a writer, you can use too in the following ways;
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Too + adjective
You can use the word with an adjective in your writing.
The word “too” always appears before the adjectives.
That jacket is too hot to wear.
He is too old to participate in soccer.
Too + adverb
In a sentence, “too” is written before the adverb.
On the expressway, I was going too fast.
Because the teacher spoke too quickly, I could not finish my notes.
Too + countable nouns
When the phrase needs to be written with countable nouns, it can come before them.
The box contains too many chocolates.
There are too many delegates attending the choir retreat.
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Too + uncountable nouns
Too comes before uncountable nouns.
The coffee has too much sugar.
She is far too patient, so I’m sure she’ll figure this out.
At the end of a sentence
The word “too” can also be used at the end of a sentence.
It modifies the verb and has the meaning ‘in addition to’ in the sentence.
Again, using too at the end of the sentence can mean adding emphasis.
She gives you the books and the pencils too
I am happy. Me too.
He finally asked her out. It’s about time too.
As an Informal Adverb
If you write in US English, too can be used as an informal adverb to mean most certainly.
For example;
Speaker A: I didn’t join in the parade
Speaker B: You did too
In a negative sentence
As a writer, you can use “too” before an adjective or adverb in negative statements to mean to a high degree /extent or extremely.
Here the writer is portrayed as polite or cautious.
For example;
I’m not too sure it is right
He never seemed too involved.
Examples of the use of Too in Sentences as a Writer
- Jamie didn’t want any more tea; it was too sweet for them.
- I want to see the mountains and the ocean too.
- We wanted to go by ourselves, but our parents came too.
- Even though she’d made a final push to win the marathon, it was too little too late.
Alternative words in place of Too
Very, besides, in addition, also, as well.
According to Meriam Webster’s dictionary, these are the synonym of too
- devilishly
- excessively
- exorbitantly
- inordinately
- intolerably
- monstrously
- overly
- overmuch
- unacceptably
- unduly
Do you need a comma before or after “too”?
This is one question many people ask about using too with a comma. Will the comma come before the word or after the word? Does it have rules regarding it? Does this rule change with complex sentences?
The confusion will begin when you discover that there is no clear-cut response to this. Even editors have different opinions.
One grammar rule is that a comma may only be necessary if you aim to show emphasis.
For example, I’m sorry, too with a comma can mean a life-changing event in the negative, while I’m sorry too can be used to appease a lover.
When should I use too as a writer in English?
Too is a perfect replacement for words like extremely, very, and excessively.
If you are not sure of the correct word to use, try substituting these words for too and see how it works.
We are rooting for you.
- Cambridge dictionary – when to use too as a writer in English
- Langeek – when to use too as a writer in English