How To Write A Letter Of Introduction to Embassy With Examples

When applying for a visa, the embassy requires you to send a letter of introduction.

This can be either a letter of introduction sent by your employer or a self introduction which is written by your humble self.

The aim is the same; to provide more information about yourself, the purpose of your visit, and establishing more grounds as to why you should be granted a visa to a particular country.

A letter of introduction is an important requirement for most visa applications. It can boost your chances of getting a visa.

In this article, we will deep-dive into how to write both an introduction and a self introduction to embassy for visa application.

Let’s get down to the beautiful part.

Letter Of Introduction To Embassy For Visa Application

A letter of introduction is a letter written by your employer to the embassy. It must be sent to the ambassador and written on your employer’s letterhead. This letter is typed, not handwritten.

You should be aware that there are several types of visas that may be applied for, the majority of which are solely based on the country you want to visit and the nature of your trip.

However, each Nigerian embassy has various visa application standards, therefore the suggestions for an introduction letter may change from one another. Don’t worry; we’ll provide the most general rules that apply to all official introduction letters.

Furthermore, keep in mind that the letter must be written in an official way; therefore, you will need to understand some basic principles about formal language usage in order to apply them while writing an introduction letter for a visa application.

People most commonly apply for a tourist or business visa, saying that they just wish to visit the country for leisurely travel and sightseeing, or for business reasons within the country. . A permit might also be temporary or permanent, based on whether you want to live in the country or only visit for a short period. In any scenario, you must submit an introduction letter for a visa application, which is a required document that includes all of the information regarding your job contract that the consular or visa officer will need.

Most companies include information on dates of employment, jobs and titles, length of absence, compensation, and when you might expect to return to work. Certain employers reveal the visitation destination as well as whether the trip is self-financed or paid for by the company.

Although most HR departments already have an introduction letter template, this may not be true for many medium-sized businesses. In such situations, you should follow the procedures below to assist the person who will be writing the letter. Finally, the letter should be signed by your organization’s CEO, manager, or HR representative.

Requirements For A Letter Of Introduction for Vietnam Visa Application

1) An application letter to the Head of Mission of the Nigerian Embassy in Vietnam for issuance of a Letter of Introduction;

2) A copy of bio-data page of the applicant’s current passport; and

3) A copy of the applicant’s visa or residence card (or a copy of Student’s ID card if the applicant is studying); and

4) Original receipt of payment.

See also: How to Write an Application Letter for Lecturing Job in Nigeria

Sample Letter of Self Introduction for Visa Application

Before we go into how to write a modern, effective letter of self introduction for a visa application, let’s look at an example to give you an idea of how it should look.

Despite its modest length, this letter is convincing because it includes additional information for reading. To add to its allure, it is written on a sleek, attractive, and modern letterhead.

A self-introduction letter may be needed when applying for:

  • Tourist Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Schengen Visa
  • Work/Employment Visa
  • Permanent Residence Visa
  • Visa on Arrival for some countries, etc.

They all follow the same pattern. The key distinction is noticed in the information presented in relation to the visit’s aim.

See also: How To Write an Application Letter as a Cook in a Hotel in Nigeria (With Samples)

Vital Information to Include in Your Letter of Self Introduction for Visa to an Embassy

At the top, your address or letterhead.

The address of the recipient (immigrant, embassy, or visa officer)

Your email address or phone number/contact information

The goal of the trip (preferably expressed in one sentence)

Address the recipient by name (if you know them)

Attach all other necessary documents required for the visa application

End the letter with a complimentary close (e.g. Yours sincerely) your full name, and signature.

For a business visa, here are the information needed for self introduction letter to an embassy;

  • Name of the applicant
  • Employment length in the company
  • Position of the applicant in the company
  • Annual CTC (total salary package)
  • Reason for the visit
  • Visit duration
  • Financial commitment of the company to the trip (if any)

See also: How To Write an Application Letter for Maternity Leave After Delivery to Employer in Nigeria (With Samples)

Sample Letter Of Self Introduction To Embassy For Visa Application

Here’s a template letter of self introduction for visa application:

Celestina Davids

4332 Bolden St

New York

United States.

December 14, 2025

The Visa Officer,

Consulate-General of Japan,



Request for Japan Tourist Visa

I write to introduce myself in respect of the above subject matter. I will be traveling to Okazaki for a cultural exhibition and will also take some days to see some of the wonderful tourism destinations in Japan.

My arrival in Okazaki would be on December 28, 2025 and the date of departure from Okazaki would be January 17, 2020.

Traveler details are as follows:

Celestina Davids (Passport Number: 0081339DA)

Along with visa application, I have attached the following documents for your reference:

Filed application form with photograph

Round trip flight itinerary

Accommodation details

Financial and employment details (bank statement and latest Income Tax Return)

Leave letter/No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the employer

I will be available for more information if required for the smooth processing of the visa. Kindly do not hesitate to contact me for enquiries on my itinerary.

Yours sincerely,

[Your signature here]

Celestina Davids


See also: How To Write an Application Letter for Cleaner in School with no Experience in Nigeria


Follow the cue in this article to draft your introduction letter for visa application at an immigration office.


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