How to Write F in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners – WritersGig Blog

Cursive writing is one art that is dying a slow death. Many schools are choosing to omit it in their curriculum. In fact, many schools no longer teach it. However, we hope Writersgig will be a place where anyone interested in cursive writing can learn easily using our resources

If you homeschool your children, this is an excellent tool for teaching them how to write the alphabet in cursive. On this page, we will learn how to write the cursive letter “f,” however you can go through the website to learn how to write any other capital or lowercase cursive letter you like.

What are the Benefits of Cursive Writing?

It allows for faster and more accurate handwriting.

It helps the child grow and practice their hand-eye coordination.

Cursive writing promotes the development of fine motor skills and finger muscle strength.

It helps children develop their sensory skills by teaching them where to apply pressure when writing, how to write with specific strokes, and how to hold the pencil.

It enhances concentration and memory

Lowercase English letters are written in cursive by creating a loop. As a result, we learn to write letters in cursive with the loop family.

See also: How to Write D in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners

Writing F in Cursive

A cursive F is also similar to its capital handwritten form like many of the other letters. The lowercase f is more difficult to write than the other cursive letters.

Like many other letters in the cursive alphabet, the uppercase letter F does not connect with its lowercase letters to form words. Lowercase f, on the other hand, connects when forming words. 

See also: How to Write K in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners

How to Write Cursive Capital F

how to write f in cursive
image source:my cursive

Because the cursive capital F is one of the more difficult letters to master, you should devote some extra time to learning how to write it. This means that you’ll need to practice this letter a little more than the simpler cursive capital letters, but with constant practice, you should be able to master it in time.

You should pay great attention to avoid making any of the numerous little mistakes that first-time cursive letter F users make.

Begin slightly below the top line of your writing paper. Then, draw a thin, slightly curved line upwards and touch the top line — the start of your cursive capital F.

Once you touch the top line, curve the stroke to the right and then bring it down in a sweeping motion. This descending line should pass through the middle line and continue until it reaches slightly below the bottom line.

Around the middle line, add a small, horizontal stroke that extends from the middle of the descending line. This stroke should be curved slightly upwards.

Now you can write a capital F in cursive!

In addition, you can add a small tail at the bottom of the F, curving to the right, to facilitate the connection to the next letter in a word.

See also: How to Write E in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners

How to Write a Lowercase f in Cursive

how to write f
image source: youtube

Start writing the lowercase f below the center, dotted line. Bring your stroke to the top line and loop back around the left side and down below the bottom line.

Once it is below the bottom line, bring your stroke back up the right side and make a small tail off of the letter, towards the right to connect with the other letters.

See also: How to Write Z in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners


The cursive letter “f” is one of the most difficult to write and master. One of the issues is that it looks and writes very differently than a printed “f”.

Writing the letter in lowercase f may require some practice, but please refer to our article for detailed instructions.

FAQs on how to write f in cursive

How do you write a lowercase cursive “f”?

To write a lowercase cursive “f,” start at the top line and make a small loop to the left, then bring the line down to the bottom line and curl it back up to the top line. Finally, make a small hook to the right at the top of the line.

What are the key components of the uppercase cursive F?

The ‘F’ consists of a horizontal stroke at the baseline, a vertical stroke ascending from the baseline, and a middle horizontal bar that connects to the top of the vertical stroke. l


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