How To Write A Thank You Letter For A Scholarship: Examples

Congratulations! A scholarship has been awarded to you! It’s time to say thank you.

Many school programs provide scholarships privately funded by generous donors who care about the futures of students like you.

Expressing thanks is one of the best things we can do for them. Your sponsor takes great pleasure in hearing from kids like you. Writing a personal thank you letter to the donor allows you to explain how much this scholarship means to you and how much you cherish their kindness.

A well-written letter reflects favorably on you, the university, and the selection group.

So, write away!

Why is it Important to Thank Your Scholarship Donor?

A scholarship donor is a compassionate and generous person who willingly aids students like you with their academic ambitions, so it is important to thank them in a letter. 

A well-written thank you message from a student is generally impressive and shows the donor that his or her scholarship was greatly appreciated. Usually, they ask little in return. 

Reminding them of the original reason for their gift, your letter typically helps to secure recurring contributions for future students.

This is an important reason to write a thank you letter for a scholarship donor.

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What to Say in a Scholarship Thank You Letter to a Donor

Scholarship donors want to know which students gain from their generosity and how their contributions are used. Although the content of your thank-you letter should be unique to you, the following list offers some ideas:

Begin with a formal salutation and suitable titles. Do not call them by their first names. If you lack this information, please write your email to “Dear Scholarship Donor.”

Thank the giver and introduce yourself at the start. Mention the specific grant and academic year it was received, but do not reveal the financial amount.

Explain a little about yourself. Give a short outline of your background, including your family history, hometown, motivations for enrolling in the University of Illinois degree program, and professional goals.

State how their scholarship will benefit you.

Express your thanks once more.

Sign your name to the letter.

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A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter For A Scholarship

1. Greet the Donor

Write to the contributor or group rather than the selection committee.  The donor’s name should be included in your award notification letter.

You have communicated with the selection group throughout the scholarship application process. It’s now time to speak with the real contributor or organization. Their name is often included in your award letter. If not, ask the selection committee for more details.

2. Show your gratitude.

Even if you stick to an outline, you want your speech to show genuine gratitude. Be grateful, and sincere, and mention the scholarship by name without saying the amount.

Here are some tips;

  • Write in an active voice and with sincerity
  • Mention the exact scholarship you were awarded
  • Avoid bringing up money or making requests for further funds

 Examples: “Thank you so much for your generosity.” “It is an honor to be chosen for the ABC Family Scholarship.”

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3.Demonstrate the Impact

Share about your favorite activities and how attending the University has impacted your life. Provide an example of why you chose the school. Your educational pathway. Activities linked to community service. Achievements, honors, or awards with which you are satisfied.

The primary body of the letter of thanks should express the recipient’s gratitude for the scholarship and explain how it will help you achieve your professional goals. Students might, however, take it a step further by explaining how their efforts will eventually have a greater impact on the globe or their area.

Include how the money is going to have a direct impact on you and your family in a few sentences.

Additionally, include a form of what I call the ‘why you’ statement. This is the impact that the student is planning on having in their professional career, the impact on the world after they’re done with their educational goals.

5.Future Plans

Tell him about your plans for travel, events, graduation, and prospective job. Tell them how this scholarship has benefited your academic career. Show them where you’re going and thank them for helping you get there. Tell him your post-graduation plans, including any desired employment or professional goals.

Example: “Upon completion of my studies I plan to pursue a career in teaching.”

5.Thank Him Again

Before you end your letter, take one last moment to express gratitude to yourself. It’s a simple gesture, but it shows true appreciation and respect.

Examples: “Thanks again for your gift.”  “Thanks again. I appreciate the scholarship assistance.”

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6.Signing Off

Of course, remember to select a closing salutation and sign the letter.

Examples: “Sincerely,” “Warm Regards,” “Yours Truly,” “With Sincere Thanks,” etc.

Final Steps

  • Be concise and direct; it only takes one page.
  • Check your work for errors; you utilize good grammar and spelling to show your knowledge.
  • Ensure there are no errors.

How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter Sample

Thank you sample letter for incoming freshman

[Donor’s Full Name]

c/o University Academic Programs and Services

Attn: Name, Scholarship Coordination

School Address

[Date (Example format: May 1, 2018)]

Dear [Donor Name],

Begin by explaining why you are sending the letter and thanking the donor. Be sure to include the name of the scholarship.

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for make the [Name of Scholarship] possible. I was pleased to be selected as a recipient for 2022-2023 and am deeply grateful for your support.

-Share something about yourself, your goals, and why the scholarship is important to you.

Beginning this coming fall, I will be a freshman at [University name] in the Chemical Engineering program in the College of Education. Besides my parents, the one person that I feel most influenced me as I was growing up was my sixth grade teacher. After graduation, I would like to find a teaching position where I have a chance to make a similar difference in the lives of children.

-Conclude by thanking the donor again and re-stating your hopes for the future.

My educational pursuits would not be possible without the generous support from your scholarship. Thank you for enabling me to pursue my dreams.

With gratitude,


[Your Name]

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Examples of Thank You Letter For a Scholarship

[Donor’s Full Name]

c/o University Academic Programs and Services

Attn: Name, Scholarship Coordination

School Address


Re: ABC Scholarship

Dear Mr. Doe,

It is an honor to be chosen for the Bulldog Memorial Scholarship at Grace State for the Fall 2020 semester.

I am currently a junior, majoring in Plant Science. I am enjoying my studies, especially my plant science courses. I am involved in several student organizations including student government and the Plant Science Club.

I work part-time at ABC Nursery and I volunteer at the local YMCA. I like working with high school students and teaching them about nature.

After graduation, I plan to enter the credential program and eventually become a high school teacher.

I am truly grateful for the scholarship support. This scholarship allows me to work fewer hours and focus on my studies and additional educational opportunities. Thank you for your support of Grace State students.


Christian Alfred

Class of 2023

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Writing a scholarship thank you letter or note is not only required, but it is also an important way to show your professionalism and thanks. You leave a memorable impression by addressing the donor, expressing your genuine gratitude, outlining the significance of the scholarship, and emphasizing your academic and professional goals.

Keep in mind that this letter is more than just a thank-you message; it is an opportunity to build a meaningful relationship with your benefactor.


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