How To Write a Statement of Interest with Examples: Rules, Tips & Template

A statement of interest is part of the application process for many opportunities.

It basically answers the questions; why are you interested in the opportunity, what skills or expertise do you possess, which examples do I have to support my claim and lastly, how will I be an asset to the company.

Now to the best part, learn how to write a statement of interest in this article.

What is a Statement of Interest?

A statement of interest for a job is a one-page letter that explains your qualifications for the position, your reasons for wanting to work for the company, and how you can contribute to the team. It is generally addressed to a hiring official.

A “letter of inquiry” or “letter of interest” is a way to apply for a job at a company even if they aren’t presently hiring for the role you seek.

It is not the same as a cover letter, which is created expressly for the job that the employer is looking for. A statement of interest looks for opportunities inside a company that match your relevant experience.

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What is the Difference Between a Statement of Interest and a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is written specifically for a job, it is tailored to that position and show how well your skills match the job requirements. In your statement of interest, you should demonstrate that you are aware of the group and what skills you would bring to help it achieve its goals.

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What to Include in a Statement of Interest

  • Your contact information
  • A formal salutation
  • A paragraph describing your interest in the firm and, if appropriate, your passion for it.
  • Paragraph with examples highlighting the skills you offer to the group.
  • A final paragraph suggesting that you plan to follow up.
  • Your signature

Steps to Take Before Writing Your Statement of Interest

  • Research the organization. Learn about the goals, aims, and qualities that they look for in applications.
  • Ask yourself: Why am I interested in this role? Make sure you can easily explain your reasons.
  • Seek out connections. Speak to anyone in your network who may know more about the company. Ask them if there is anything you need know to improve your message. Certain organizations may provide tools, such as letter samples or advice from previous candidates, that you can use to build a more convincing application.

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How to Write a Statement of Interest

1. Research Thoroughly About the Company

Once you’ve decided on a company to work for, study its mission, values, possibilities, and shared skills and characteristics among its employees. These details are usually available on a company’s website.

Look on social media and job search sites for more specific examples of the skills they value.

Additionally, look for a specific person, such as a recruiting manager, to whom you should send your statement. You must ensure that the person in charge of hiring gets your message by sending it directly to them.

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2. Make your Message Brief

You should keep your statement of interest to one page. Short paragraphs make reading easy for readers.

Use action verbs and descriptive language to quickly showcase your qualifications and how you fit in with the company.

3. Identify with their Core Values

The first paragraph of your statement of interest should draw a link between your qualifications and the company’s activity. Explain your grasp of the company’s image and how it fits with your career goals.

To promote yourself as a potential brand ambassador, show how your personal characteristics and views align with those of others. Next, strengthen your relationship with them by expressing your admiration for their work ethic and understanding of the value of what they do.

4.Discuss your Most Applicable Skills

The next paragraph should explain your projected worth to the company. You already know which skills they value the most because of your study. Select a few skill-demonstrating examples from your previous practice.

To draw their attention to your credentials, focus on the two or three most notable and relevant aspects of your career past. Provide information about the work you’ve done and the results you’ve achieved using quantifiable data to let the company know what to expect from you.

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5. Conclude with an Intent to Follow up

State that you are seeking for a job with them. Inform them gently that you will be in touch with them soon. If your letter has peaked their interest, consider assigning them an exact date or time so they can be prepared to speak with you when the time comes.

On the other hand, you may be less detailed in your follow-up plans. It is also helpful to end with a request to hear from them. Even if you choose this route, make sure to follow up very away after sending the statement.

6. Sign your letter

Finish with a simple “Sincerely,” and then write your name. If you’re sending a hard copy, sign your letter in pen above your written name.

7. Include your Resume

Provide a résumé so that an interested party can see your full list of education, experience, and accomplishments, since a statement of interest only provides brief examples of your achievements.

8. Seek an Informational Interview

An informational interview is a relaxed way to meet with a company’s recruiting staff and learn more about the organization.

After giving the hiring team enough time to receive and review your statement, set up an informational interview with them to indicate your proactive interest in working for them.

During this interview, you will be able to meet them in person, make a good impression, and demonstrate your suitability for the company.

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Statement of Interest Template

[Your name]

[Your address]

[Your e-mail]

[Your phone number]


[Recipient’s name]

[Recipient’s title]

[Company name]

[Company address]

Dear [Recipient’s name],

[Body paragraphs outlining your interest in the company and the positive contributions you can bring to the company.]


[Your signature]

[Your name]

Statement of Interest Example

Below is an example letter to help you write your own using the template:

Gloria Chukwu

(555) 555-1342

4567 Main Road

Nigeria, PA

Eric Henry

Head of Personnel


4567 Main Road

Philadelphia, PA 19019

Dear Mr Eric,

While searching online for information about copywriting opportunities, I found your site offered the most clear, concise and actionable information. I admire the care your company takes in providing detailed information to those seeking new employment. Having needed sources like yours in the past, I understand the importance of conveying such information with clarity and detail. I also understand that your company fulfills a basic, crucial need in our society. I would love to speak with you about any available opportunities to offer my abilities to your team.

While working for Wonders Online, I managed a team of writers responsible for a project that raised sales 120% over the previous year. I also oversaw their Connection Initiative that produced streamlined methods of enticing new audiences, connecting with their needs and converting them into paying customers.

I’ve included my resume and will contact you on the July, 7, 2021, to inquire about setting up an informational interview. If you have any questions or would like to follow up with me, please contact me at any time.



Gloria Chukwu

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Tips for Writing a Statement of Interest

If the statement of interest is a graduate school, follow these tips;

Follow the guidelines that the organization has set. If you are asked to reply to specific prompts or inquiries, make sure you address EVERY points. This includes conforming to the word or page limits stated.

Stay focused on your statement. It should be clear to the reader that a letter of interest is for a specific company or opportunity. If it appears that you are only trying to apply for jobs, the reader may not think you are truly interested in anything. Review what led you to this specific chance and update your statement.

Review your statement to ensure that it is written in a proper manner and that there are no typographical or grammatical mistakes. It is not appropriate to go into considerable detail about your personal history in a letter of interest unless specifically asked. Maintain your focus on articulating your interest and explaining how your experiences, training, and background complement the company’s needs.

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A statement of interest can be that tick your career needs. Write one and send it as a cold email to potential employers. In this article, we have explained how to write a statement of interest for a job or school.


  • Career development -how to write a statement of interest for a job
  • Indeed -how to write a statement of interest for grad school

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