How to Write a Killer Maid of Honor Speech From Start to Finish: Free Template, Examples, & Tips

My friend Jane made me her maid of honor!

That was my first time being a maid of honor. While I was getting agitated on the tons of things I had to do for her, she whispered to my ears that I would take the maid of honor speech.

Truthfully, thoughts of absconding from the wedding once it was time for the speech crossed my mind. I thought of what we had been through since preschool and decided to do it. Besides, who knows her better than me?

Here’s to how you can write that killer maid of honor speech if you were ever faced with the same challenge.

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech Outline

1. Reflect on your relationship with the couple

Consider how you interact with the couple. Now is the moment to record any intimate meetings you have with them. These exchanges may make you laugh or cry, but they will show the wedding guests how well you know the happy pair. Perhaps you took a wonderful trip to Europe with one of the couples.

Alternatively, you and the married couple have a plethora of ridiculous and embarrassing stories from your high school years together. Whatever memory you choose for your maid of honor speech, choose the best (sensible) story and enjoy sharing it.

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2. Celebrate their relationship

You should dedicate a different chunk of your matron of honor speech to the couple’s relationship. You can talk about their first date, the moment you recognized they were meant to be together, or how you first met them.

If you’re having problems remembering key details, talk to the other honor attendants or the couple’s close friends.

In general, you want to represent the couple’s starting point, their growth as a relationship, and the reasons they compliment one another.

3. Avoid wrong topics

Your maid of honor speech should address a few specific issues. It makes no difference how you try to deliver it. Some people may find the following banned topics offensive:

  • Disapproval of marriage in general
  • Previous relationships
  • Previous marriages or divorces
  • Drinking, drugs, gambling.
  • Any reference to sexual themes, including “adult” comedy.

Remember that you want to avoid causing any drama. Your speech should be focused on encouraging the happy couple and emphasizing their shared love.

4. Add few jokes

Do you think you have a gift for humor? To liven up your maid of honor speech, use a few jokes, one-liners, or funny marital quips. Make sure to avoid using secret references or jokes that only the newlyweds and you understand.

Every wedding guest should find something funny and enjoyable in your speech. This suggests that your jokes should not be overly serious or address any of the previously stated prohibited wedding speech topics.

Spread out your jokes and pick your places carefully. Instead of making a serious toast look like a stand-up act, you want them to provide comic relief. Use a witty opening line to attract the audience and describe yourself. Laughing also helps to relieve any nervousness you may be feeling.

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5. Make it personal

Make your maid of honor speech as unique and personal as possible. A personalized script is far more appealing to guests. In the end, a superb wedding toast will include the following remarks:

Give a brief introduction and describe your relationship to the happy couple.

Next, thank the couple for asking you to celebrate their special day.

Tell a few personal stories, such as a joke, beloved memory, or sincere message, to which the majority of the guests can connect.

Provide helpful advice or a thought-provoking comment about the newlyweds’ future plans.

Finish by asking everyone to raise their glasses and make a closing statement.

Maid of Honor Speech Checklist

While planning your maid of honor speech, consider your special relationship with the bride, personal anecdotes about the couple, and your honest wishes for their future together.

Begin with presenting the bride, then compliment their partner and wish them both the best as a couple.

If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, here are a few suggestions: 

  • What was your first impression of their partner? 
  • What do they both bring to the relationship? 
  • How did they know they were the “one”? 
  • How have they impacted each other’s lives? 
  • Describe their relationship in five words
  • How did you get introduced to their partner?
  • What’s the funniest story you know about them as a couple? 

You should end your maid of honor speech on a passionate and happy note. Celebrate the couple’s love, express your devotion for the bride, offer advice for their future, or share a thought-provoking quote.

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Maid of Honor Speech Template

Introduce yourself: You could think that because you are the bride’s close friend or relative, everyone knows you, but this is not the case. As you enter the room, welcome the bride and quickly identify yourself.

Highlight the bride: Express your genuine feelings for her while highlighting her distinguishing traits.

Personal Stories: Share one or more heartfelt stories about the couple or your meetings with the bride.

Couple’s relationship: Talk about the couple’s relationship and how you’ve watched their love grow. Tell a story that shows the couple’s love and compatibility, or include one about the groom.

Compliments: Emphasize each couple’s qualities and praise them individually.

Toast and well wishes: Raise your glass and toast the newlyweds, giving them a bright future together.  

Jokes: While adding humorous lines can improve your speech, bear in mind that if humor is not your strong suit, a maid of honor speech does not require it. A direct and honest method is often more effective than manufactured humor. Share experiences from the couple’s past with them; try to pick situations that are naturally funny, such as making fun of the bride for her exuberance after their first date.

Advice: If you are already married, share your experiences and tips with others to help them have a happy and rewarding marriage.

How Long Should A Maid Of Honor Speech Be?

A maid of honor speech should be no more than two to three minutes (five minutes at maximum). The best man and other family members frequently give speeches during the toasts, so the maid of honor is not always the only one speaking.

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Maid of Honor Speech Tips

1. Practice Your Speech in Advance

Although it may sound strange, you do not need to remember your speech word for word. However, preparing your talking points and rhythm in preparation will make you feel more secure.

If you’re worried about speaking in front of an audience, bring a concise, appealing notepad with key phrases or bullet points.

Practice speaking aloud to help you spot and smooth out any rough passages or tongue twisters. Speak slowly and pause at changes.

2. Aim to be Sober Before Giving Speech

While having fun at the reception, you should remain composed when giving your speech. While a little wine may help settle nerves, having too much may result in a less planned speech.

3. Avoid Sharing About their Past

Relatives should not be mentioned because it may bring discomfort to the bride and groom. If this isn’t the bride’s first wedding, refrain from making jokes about past unions.

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4. Avoid Making Everything About Yourself

Keep your speech focused on the marriage rather than just your bond with the bride. Avoid sensitive or overly detailed stories and inside jokes. Any advice offered must be authentic, concise, and targeted directly at the couple.

5. Keep it Short and Sweet

When making a speech at a wedding, less is usually more. Pay more attention to short, amusing stories than to long, full narratives. As you practice, jot down your ideas and discard any that do not connect as strongly.

To improve your speech, seek feedback from a different friend or member of the bride’s family.

6. Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

Regardless, the participants at the reception are there to have fun, so your speech will be valued. Instead of focusing on minor flaws, focus on celebrating the couple.

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How to Write Maid of Honor Speech Examples

For Sister

Introduce yourself and provide a friendly welcome to everyone.

“Hi everyone, our family wants to thank you all for being here today to celebrate (Bride) and (Partner). As most of you know, I’m (Bride’s) sister, (Name).”

Move on to what you love about your sister

“I feel so privileged to have had (Bride) to look up to throughout my life. She has always been an example to me of what it means to show love through actions. Growing up, I remember she would (insert relevant anecdote). It’s memories like these that make me know that (Partner) is one of the luckiest people in the world to get (Bride) as someone to go through life with.”

Transition to a compliment about your sister’s partner.

Ex: “When (Bride) and (Partner) first met, our family already had an idea that (Partner) was (Bride’s) perfect match. When (Bride) first introduced him to us, I could tell that (Bride) had never felt this way about anyone before, and that this was her forever person. I couldn’t have chosen anyone better for my sister, and we are so excited to welcome you into our family. Thank you for your kindness, sense of humor, and patience—especially when (Bride) (insert funny anecdote).”

Wrap up your speech by toasting the couple

Ex: “Your love and commitment to each other is so inspiring, and it’s been so special to watch your relationship unfold. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, understanding, and joy. I’d like to invite everyone to raise their glasses to the happy couple. Here’s to (Bride) and (Partner)!”

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Maid of Honor Speech For A Best Friend

Begin your speech by introducing yourself and sharing a brief history of your relationship with the bride.

Ex: “Hi everyone. For those of you who I don’t know, I’m (Name). (Bride) and I have been best friends since (college/high school/diapers), when we bonded over (insert funny shared interest). It’s (number) years later, and I couldn’t be happier or prouder to celebrate my friend today.”

Talk about what you love about the bride.

Ex: “There are so many reasons to love (Bride). She’s funny, silly, and sweet, but I think my favorite thing about her is her sense of humor. Something she definitely needed when she and (Partner) (insert funny anecdote). (Bride), you have always had the ability to light up the room, and you are so stunning tonight.”

Transition to complimenting the bride’s partner.

Ex: “My first impression after meeting (Partner) was that they were one of the only people I’ve ever met who could keep up with (Bride’s) wit. However, it wasn’t until (insert anecdote) that I knew he was (Bride’s) soul mate. It’s been a total pleasure getting to know you as an person and as the perfect partner for my best friend. Thank you for loving her the way she deserves.”

Finish by wishing them both well.

Ex: “It’s so easy to see that you two are crazy about each other, and I’m honored to call you both my friends. I can’t wait to see the kinds of adventures you will get up to in the years to come. I’ll leave you with a quote from (Bride’s) favorite poet to take with you after tonight: (insert relevant quote). Here’s to the happy couple!”

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We hope this article has answered all the questions you need about how to write a maid of honor speech for your sister or best friend with examples .


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