How To Write A Letter Of Recommendation For A Student |10 Steps

Whether applying for a job or to an advanced degree program, you will probably need a letter of recommendation. A letter of recommendation for a student is written by someone who can attest to your excellence and expertise.

Students who want to improve their applications but don’t have the best resumes or skills might find letters of recommendation useful.

In this article, we will explore how to write a letter of recommendation for a student.

What Is A Letter Of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a document that highlights an applicant’s work ethic and character. A letter of recommendation can help a student get into a school or job program.

Typically, the letter is written by someone who has worked with them in a professional or academic setting.

It provides institutions and employers with a reference’s opinion on a candidate’s qualifications, including abilities, capacities, goals, and achievements.

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How To Write A Recommendation Letter For A Student

These ten steps will help you write a letter of reference for a student.

1. Request for the student’s academic information

First, ask for a list of the student’s extracurricular activities, academic accomplishments, and grade point average (GPA). Ask them about the field of study, college, or job they want to pursue. You can utilize this information to personalize your letter and advocate for the kid by highlighting and praising their successes.

Request a copy of their resume in return for a job recommendation letter, so you can discover more about their background. You can also request the job description to better understand how the student will work in the role. You can request to read the personal essay that applicants for a university or other program plan to send with their application.

You can also inquire about the student’s reasons for applying and their objectives for taking advantage of the chance to learn more about them. If you want to make your suggestion more precise and distinctive, include your thoughts on the subject in your letter.

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2. Address your letter correctly

Properly addressing your letter ensures that it reaches the intended recipient and may provide the reader a more personalized sense of the suggestion. Ask the student to name the letter’s recipient and function in the application process.

The letter could be written to a recruiting manager, department head, admissions counselor, or program director. If the student does not provide you with a specific person to address the letter to, you may send your recommendation to a college’s admissions office or a corporation’s human resources department.

If the student wants to apply to several universities or jobs, try to highlight their relevant qualities in the letter while remaining general. For example, a student wanting to be a software engineer may apply to several technical institutes.

With this information, you can stress the student’s accomplishments in computer science and provide an example of a well-executed project or scientific accolades.

3. Introduce yourself and your qualifications

Your reputation is a useful judgment of the candidate to an employer or admissions committee. At the beginning of the letter, introduce yourself and explain why you are qualified to defend the student. Include your name, job title, and employer’s address.

4. Include your professional relationship with the student

Continue your introduction by discussing how long you’ve known the student and in what role. This item can provide more information about your employment and explicitly express how you add to the student’s academic experience.

You might also share how you met the students and how you’ve observed them develop into an effective learner.

Write about the student from your viewpoint, detailing how they impressed or surprised you in the classroom, on their work, or in other academic contexts.

5. List the student’s qualifications with examples

Many institutions and businesses commonly look for individuals who they think will improve and contribute to their organization. A hiring manager might be interested in learning more about the student’s ability to improve the company’s operations and culture.

If a student is likely to participate in extracurricular activities, join groups and organizations, and help their peers, the admissions counselor may be keen to know.

When drafting your letter of reference, keep the reader in mind and include specific data and examples of the student’s prospective achievements to the college or business.

Highlighting their accomplishments to your school will demonstrate their potential for success. You can reference samples from their academic records or résumé, such as:

  • Sports
  • Clubs
  • Volunteering
  • Competitions, awards, and recognitions
  • Individual or group projects
  • Presentations and public speaking opportunities
  • Leadership roles such as captain of a team or president of a club
  • Academic excellence such as improved or maintained grades

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6. Conclude your letter

Your letter can end with a repetition of your support for the student’s qualifications and an invitation to stay in touch if the reader has any further questions about your recommendation and interactions with the student. Consider giving them a few ways to contact you, such as your phone number and email address.

Letter of Recommendation Template For A Student for College

You can use this template to write a letter of recommendation for a student.  

[Professional greeting] [name of recipient],

My name is [your first and last name], and I’m a [add your position title] at [name school or organization]. I’m writing on behalf of [candidate’s first and last name], who is applying to your [name school or program]. [Candidate’s first name] was [share how you know the candidate]. I’ve known [candidate’s first name] for [number] [timeframe]. During that time, I found them to be [share your general impression].

[Candidate’s first name] worked on [share example project]. They displayed [share characteristics or skills]. [Additional details about the candidate’s performance or skills.]

In the time I’ve known [candidate’s first name], I saw them grow [share how they have improved at something]. Based on their research and career goals, I see them continuing to develop [name skills or abilities where they can continue learning]. Your graduate program in [name area] can help them achieve their professional goals and continue this growth.

[First name of candidate] has my strong endorsement for admission into your graduate program in [area of study]. Based on their [name skills or characteristics], they can [connect to program].

If you have further questions or want any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may [preferred method of contact], anytime [preferred time of day].



[Print full name]

[Title, department]

[Name of school]

[City, state]

[Phone number]

[Email address]

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Examples Of Student Recommendation Letter for College

This is an example of a letter of reference that you may write to help a student apply to college.

Dear Mr. Bob Ndu,

My name is Chuck Farms, and I’ve had the pleasure of teaching and coaching Roberta Chikwem at ABC School. I’m head of the math department and had Roberta in my Calculus 4 class this past year. In addition to her drive for academic excellence, I’ve also coached her on the golf team for the past four years, where she embodied the essence of humility and sportsmanship. Therefore, I highly recommend Rachel for acceptance into the Accelerated Business Program at Acme School this fall.

Roberta has always demonstrated ambition and maturity on the green and in the classroom. She shows genuine interest in developing her skills, challenging her abilities, and being a great role model for her peers. Her calm and calculated attitude has impressed me. She always shows kindness toward other athletes and keeps a positive attitude during tournaments.

I believe a great athlete shows positivity even when they lose, and that’s exactly how I can describe Roberta. This is why I chose her to be the captain of the ABC School Lions’ golf team.

I believe Acme School can benefit from Roberta’s ambitious nature, friendly attitude, and affinity to lead others. These attributes and so much more make Rachel the right candidate for the Accelerated Business Program at Acme School.

I’d be happy to discuss more of Roberta’s accolades in the classroom and on the green. You can reach me by phone at 657-555-0023 or by email at

Best Regards,

Chuck Farms

Calculus Teacher at ABC School

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How To Structure A Letter Of Recommendation

Because this is a business letter, it should be professional and no more than one page long. A reference letter should contain the following information:

The body of the letter

Many counselors suggest that you begin by introducing yourself and explaining how you know the child. and how much time you spend with them. After using the student’s full name the first time, simply use their first name. Then, provide the following information in two paragraphs:

Tell a story or incident that highlights the student’s personality traits, such as honesty, academic curiosity, leadership potential, or personal strengths. How did the student respond when they were disappointed or failed?

Explain the student’s personality. How do they interact with their classmates and teachers?

What will you remember most about this student?

Direct recommendation

Finish by truly suggesting that the student attend a specific college or university. If the student is sending the letter to only one location, name the school in your conclusion.

The closing

Reiterate the student’s full name and ask the college to contact you if they have any more questions. After typing your name and signature, finish with “Best regards” and include your job and school.

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Five Tips for Writing a Letter of Recommendation for a Student

When picking someone to write a letter of recommendation, students should first check with their prior or current bosses or employers. These people are aware of a student’s work ethic and ability to manage assignments within time restrictions. Professors and academic advisors are also valuable resources, especially for students going to advanced academic programs.

Professors and academic advisors are also valuable resources, especially for students going to advanced academic programs.

If a student asks you to write a letter of recommendation for them, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Describe your personal relationship with the student
  • Provide specific examples of the student’s abilities and work ethic.
  • Stay away from vague wording and phrases.
  • Take the specific job or school into account.
  • If you do not feel qualified, it is okay to turn down a recommendation request


A strong letter of recommendation can significantly help a student achieve his academic and personal goals.


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