How to Write T in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners

The cursive letter T is one of the most basic letters in the alphabet, but it can be tricky to write correctly. There are some upward and downward movements. Some, don’t make the loop too short or too long involved. Therefore, you need to read this guide carefully.

In this blog post, we will show you how to write the cursive uppercase or capital T and lowercase t in a few easy steps.

Writing T in Cursive

The cursive T is very easy to write, similar to the handwritten capital letter T.  In the same vein, the lowercase t is almost like the handwritten t.

Usually, writers connect the letter t to h in the following words which include; think, three, and theme.

In addition, it also connects to r in words like trace and trigger.

We advise that after you’ve mastered writing the letter T in cursive, try practicing “tr” together.

See also: How to Write F in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners

How to Write a Cursive Capital T

how to write t in cursive
image source: shutterstock

To write the uppercase or capital T, begin writing on the top line. Take the stroke to the right and create a horizontal line. Then, from the center of the horizontal line create a stem that will go to the bottom line.

In actual steps, here is how to write the uppercase or capital letter cursive T.

Step 1: Begin by drawing a vertical line down from the top line of the writing space. Make sure that the line is straight and even.

Step 2: Next, draw a horizontal line across the top of the downstroke. The crossbar should be about the same width as the downstroke.

Step 3: Finally, connect the downstroke and the crossbar with a small loop. This will create the characteristic shape of the cursive T.

See also: How to Write K in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners

How to Write a Lowercase t in Cursive

This is easy, similar to the capital T. Here, you’ll start the strokes slightly below the midline. Now, take the stoke upwards to the topline and back down to the bottom.

Finally, cross your “t” on the midline. Don’t forget to finish writing the letter to the right to either end the letter or connect to your next letter.

See also: How to Write Z in Cursive Easily: Calligraphy Tips For Beginners


Letter t is pretty easy to write in cursive. Do follow our guide to learn how to write it. Follow the steps provided in this article.

FAQs on how to write t in cursive

How do I make my cursive T look more elegant?

There are a few things you can do to make your cursive T look more elegant. First, make sure that you’re using a good-quality pen with a smooth nib. Second, practice writing the letter slowly and deliberately. Third, experiment with different flourishes and embellishments.

What are some common mistakes people make when writing the cursive T?

Some common mistakes people make when writing the cursive T include making the downstroke too long or too short, not connecting the downstroke to the crossbar, and making the crossbar too thick or too thin.

How can I improve my cursive T writing overall?

The best way to improve your cursive T writing is to practice regularly. You can also try copying from examples or using a cursive workbook.


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