How To Write A Check With No Cents in 10 Easy Steps

Writing a check is a skill that’s still relevant today, even in our digital age. Sometimes, you might need to write a check for a whole dollar amount without any cents. In such cases, following a structured approach can help ensure your check is filled out correctly.

This step-by-step guide can help you feel more confident while writing a check—and understand some tips to help keep your money safe.

What Is A Check?

A check is a financial document that directs a bank to pay a specific amount of money from your account to another party. Although electronic transactions dominate today’s financial landscape, checks are still widely used for formal or large transactions.

It’s not complicated, but it helps to know a check’s format and everything that’s on it before filling one out for the first time. The parts of a check include preprinted information and empty fields, which you’ll need to complete each time you write a check. 

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Key Components of a Check

To correctly write a check, you should familiarize yourself with its parts:

  • Date Line: Where you write the date of issuance.
  • Payee Line: The name of the person or company receiving the payment.
  • Amount Box: The dollar amount written in numerals.
  • Amount Line: The dollar amount written in words.
  • Memo Line: An optional space for notes about the purpose of the payment.
  • Signature Line: Where you sign to authorize the transaction.

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Why Learn How To Write a Check With No Cents?

There are cases when you need to write a check for an even dollar amount with no cents, such as paying rent or making a donation. Filling out the check correctly ensures that the bank processes it smoothly, without confusion.

Difference Between Checks With and Without Cents

A check with cents includes both dollar and cent values. For example, if the amount is $150.25, you must write “One hundred fifty and 25/100” on the amount line. On the other hand, a check with no cents only includes the dollar amount, and you write “and no/100” to signify the absence of cents.

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10 Easy Steps on How to Write a Check With No Cents

1. Write the Date

Start by writing the current date in the top right corner of the check.

Example: September 8, 2024.

2. Add the Payee’s Name

In the “Pay to the Order of” section, write the name of the person or organization receiving the payment. Accuracy is important to prevent issues when the check is cashed or deposited.

Example: John Smith.

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3. Write the Amount Numerically

In the box to the right of the payee’s name, write the amount in numbers. For checks with no cents, include “.00” after the dollar amount.

 Example: 150.00.

4. Write the Amount in Words

On the line below the payee’s name, write the dollar amount in words, followed by “and no/100” to show that there are no cents.

Example: One hundred fifty and no/100.

5. Draw a Line After the Written Amount

Draw a line after writing the amount in words to prevent anyone from altering the check.

Example: One hundred fifty and no/100 ___________.

6. Use the Memo Line (Optional)

The memo line is where you can note the purpose of the payment, though it’s optional.

Example: Rent for September.

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7. Sign the Check

Sign your name in the bottom-right corner to authorize the check.

Example: John Doe.

8. Review the Details

Double-check the information you’ve entered to ensure everything is correct, including the date, payee’s name, and amount.

9. Record the Payment

Make a note of the check in your register or banking app for tracking purposes and to balance your account.

10. Deliver the Check

Either deliver the check in person or mail it to the recipient. If mailing, consider using a service that offers tracking for secure delivery.

Example of a Check With No Cents

  • Date: September 8, 2024
  • Payee: John Smith
  • Amount (numeric): 150.00
  • Amount (words): One hundred fifty and no/100
  • Memo: Rent for September
  • Signature: John Doe

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Example of a Check With Cents

  • Date: September 8, 2024
  • Payee: Jane Doe
  • Amount (numeric): 150.25
  • Amount (words): One hundred fifty and 25/100
  • Memo: Utility Bill
  • Signature: John Doe

Things to Avoid When Writing a Check With No Cents

  • Leaving Spaces Blank: Never leave spaces unfilled. Draw a line through empty spaces to prevent alterations.
  •  Forgetting “.00” After the Dollar Amount: Always include “.00” in the amount box to indicate that the payment is for a whole dollar amount without any cents.
  • Misspelling the Payee’s Name: Ensure the recipient’s name is spelled correctly, as mistakes could cause delays in processing the check.

FAQs on how to write a check with no cents

What are common mistakes when writing a check?

Common mistakes include writing the wrong amount, forgetting to add “.00” for no cents, or signing in the wrong place. Always review your check carefully before submitting it.

How can I keep my checks secure?

Store your checkbook in a safe place, never sign blank checks, and only issue checks to trusted individuals or companies. When mailing checks, use secure envelopes and consider tracking delivery.

What should I do if I make a mistake on a check?

If you make an error, void the check by writing “VOID” across it and issue a new one. If the check has been sent, contact your bank to request a stop payment immediately.

Do different countries have different check-writing rules?

Yes, the format can vary. For example, in the UK, the pound symbol (£) is used before the amount, and the date follows the day-month-year format. In the US, the dollar sign ($) is used, and the date is written in month-day-year order.


Learning how to write a check with no cents ensures your payment is clear and professional. By following these 10 easy steps, you can complete a check properly and avoid any errors that could lead to delays.

Knowing how to fill out checks with or without cents is a useful skill for managing various payments and transactions smoothly.


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