7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Roman Writing In Africa

Africa offers a rich academic background and a growing pool of writers who bridge continents in today’s globalized world. Consequently, passionate history enthusiasts and educators seek talented African freelance writers specializing in Roman history.

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These writers bring deep knowledge of Roman history, narrative skills, and accurate depictions of Roman life. Collaborating with them adds fresh perspectives and in-depth insights to projects.

With remote work on the rise, freelancers offer valuable content. This article explores the 7 Best Websites to Hire Freelancers for Roman Writing in Africa. Whether for your website, blog, or marketing materials, these platforms provide experienced writers to meet your needs.

Who Is A Roman Writing Freelancer?

Roman writing freelancers are self-employed writers who possess deep expertise in Roman history, literature, and archaeology. They offer compelling content on various aspects of this fascinating era. Their skills include:

  • Roman History: They possess in-depth knowledge of Roman political figures, wars, social structures, and daily life, from the rise of the Republic to the fall of the Empire.
  • Roman Literature: They analyze and write about the works of renowned Roman playwrights, poets, philosophers, and historians.
  • Roman Archaeology: They decipher artifacts, translate inscriptions, and bring Roman sites to life with their archaeological background.

Benefits of Hiring Roman Writing Freelancers

Here are a few reasons why you should consider outsourcing your Roman writing job to professional freelancers.

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1. Subject Matter Expertise

Many African universities offer strong classics programs, ensuring a pool of highly qualified writers. These writers possess extensive knowledge of Roman political figures, wars, social structures, daily life, and significant historical events. Their academic training and passion for history equip them to provide well-researched and accurate content.

2. Diverse Perspectives

By seeing Roman history through the eyes of African academics and authors, you get a novel and distinctive perspective. By adding a variety of cultural views and contextual knowledge that more conventional sources may miss, these viewpoints will provide fresh ideas and interpretations, enhancing the story.

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3. Cost-Effectiveness

Employing independent authors from Africa may prove to be more cost-effective than working with established agencies or native writers in developed areas. You can spend resources effectively and yet get high-quality material since the competitive prices don’t compromise on the quality of work.

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4. Rich Cultural Exchange

Your initiatives will have more substance and authenticity if you work with African authors since this promotes a rich cultural interchange. Acknowledging the interconnectivity of past civilizations, this relationship has the potential to provide more inclusive and complete depictions of Roman history.

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5. Access to a Growing Talent Pool

A constantly expanding group of talented independent authors from Africa is ready to share their knowledge. You may locate authors who are enthusiastic about using their writing to vividly depict Roman history and who are also well educated by reaching out to this pool of talent.

6. Support for Emerging Writers

Employing independent authors from Africa helps the continent’s up-and-coming talent. In addition to ensuring that many viewpoints are heard and valued, this assistance aids in the authors’ professional development and makes a contribution to the international literary and academic community.

7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Roman Writing in Africa

Here are the 7 best websites to hire freelancers from Roman writing:

1. WritersGig

On WritersGig, you will find writers skilled in Roman writing. This freelance platform enables you to create an offer about your project and get proposals from expert Roman writers on the site.

The vetted writers have in-depth knowledge of Roman history and culture, which makes them a fantastic choice for your job offer.

To get started on WritersGig, you need to first, sign up as a buyer and then create an offer. After creating an offer, qualified writers will send in proposals.

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2. Freelancer.com

You can search for Roman history writers in Africa by location and filter by skills and experience on this freelance website. Post your job effortlessly and receive quick quotes from their best Roman writing freelancers.

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3. Upwork

Similar to Freelancer.com, Upwork offers a large pool of freelancers, including those specializing in Roman history.

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4. African Studies Associations

Regional associations like the African Studies Association might have job boards or online forums where you can connect with freelance Roman history writers.

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5. MobiJobs.Africa

MobiJobs puts you in touch with freelancer Roman writers throughout Africa to find the right person to complete virtually any job using their mobile.  The platform is free to use,  allowing you to focus your budget on what really matters – getting the job done.

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6. Guru.com

Guru.com has a network of 5,784 South Africa-based gurus who can help with technical, design, writing, administrative, and business projects. The platform also allows users to explore experts’ profiles, including previous work and feedback reviews.

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7. AfriBlocks

AfriBlocks connects freelancers with the right vetted freelancer for the job, manages projects on behalf of the freelancer, and simplifies payment

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What Is A Roman Script?

Roman script, also called Antiqua Script, Italian Lettera Antica, in calligraphy, is script based upon the clear, orderly Carolingian writing that Italian humanists mistook for the ancient Roman script used at the time of Cicero (1st century BC). They used the term Roman to distinguish this supposedly classical style from black-letter and national hands. It was upon the model of Antica, or Roman, scripts that Renaissance scribes evolved the varieties of Roman and italic, or cursive, styles of handwriting, upon which the corresponding typefaces of Nicolas Jenson and of Aldus Manutius were patterned.

Most Roman inscriptions are written in “Roman capitals”, with the changing styles of individual letter forma being a useful guide to dating a text. Lettering for inscriptions is called scriptura monumentalis (script for writing on “monuments”), but letters made with a brush have more pronounced serifs and are known as scriptura actuaria (writing for “formal or public notices”). Casual writing was written in a simpler form known as “cursive” script.

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What Materials Are Use For Roman Writing?

Roman writing materials can be classed as “hard” or “soft”. “Hard” generally means stone, pot, metal, ivory, or plaster, and “soft” refers to cloth, leather, parchment, or papyrus. Alternatively, letters could be categorized as those which are incised and those which are written (with a brush or pen). Wooden tablets are usually filled with wax which is then incised with a stylus, and are categorized as “soft”. However wooden tablets may be written on with pen and ink and could thus be described as “hard”.

Stylus tablets normally consist of two or three tabellae which are bound together by thongs passed through holes in the rim. The front of the tablet is hollowed out to receive wax whilst the back is usually smooth. Sometimes the back of one of the tablets in a set has a strip hollowed out in the center, parallel to the short edge. This would carry the seals of the witnesses in a legal document, the signatures being written in ink on one or both of the panels formed on either side of the strip.

FAQs on Freelancers for Roman Writing in Africa

Can I hire multiple freelancers for a large project?

Yes, many platforms allow you to hire multiple freelancers for different aspects of a project, which can be particularly useful for large or complex projects.

What should I do if a freelancer misses a deadline?

Communicate promptly to understand the reasons and negotiate a new deadline if possible. Use platform mediation services if necessary.

How can I ensure the content is plagiarism-free?

Request original content and use plagiarism detection tools like Copyscape or Turnitin. Clarify in your contract that the content must be original and cite sources where appropriate.


Discover talented Roman history writers in Africa who can contribute their expertise to your project by utilizing these resources. Remember to carefully review portfolios, qualifications, and references before making your final decision.


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